Questions Answered.

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Usagi yawned,and got out of bed. She looked in her closet and got dressed. Luna ran up to her. "Usagi what are we going to do today?" Asked Luna. "I don't know." Usagi responded. "Lets just see what the day has in store for us." All of the sudden, she felt the golden crystal pulsing. "W-What the.." She muttered, then remembered the last time it did this, there was a Youma. "Ugh.." She muttered, then jumped out of the window to go transform. "Moon Eternal Power.. Make-Up!" She'd yell, activating the transformation sequence. She used her wings, and flew up into the air. Immediately, she spotted smoke, and flew towards it. She saw the unsightly Youma and yelled, "Hold it right there!" "I am the pretty guardian, who fights for love and for justice!" "I am Eternal Sailor Moon!" "And now, in the name of the Moon, I'll punish you!"

After defeating the Youma.

"Eternal Sailor Moon!" A reporter yelled. "Yes?" She asked. "I'm a reporter for the newspaper, can you please answer a few questions?" He asked. "...If I do.. will you stop following me?" He sweat dropped. "I-I'll see what I can do.." He said. "Fine.. that's better than nothing.." She said. "What do you need answered?" "W-Well, first of all.. why do the Youma keep coming to japan?" Eternal Sailor Moon Sighed. "They Are After Me." She said. "W-What!" He exclaimed. "Well, after my power." "They all want to try to rule the world, so they come after anything with power to try and steal it." She explained. "O-Oh.. I see.." He says, jotting down notes. "W-Well.. what exactly is your power?" He asked, and Eternal Sailor Moon Sighed. "It is called the Silver Crystal." She said. "It draws power from the Moon, and lets me use it." "W-What, the Moon!" He exclaimed. "Yes.." She says. "H-How come you have it?" He asked. "Well.. reincarnation is real." She says. "W-What!" He yells. "Yes.. in a past life, my family passed down the crystal through their family, using it to protect the galaxy." "W-We were attacked, and I died.." She said, ignoring the look of shock on the reporters face. "She used the Silver Crystal to send my friends and I, to earth." "But, because it takes a tremendous amount of energy to bring back the dead, She died in the process, and we were sent to earth a thousand years after she cast the spell." "W-Wow.." The reporter said. "W-Were your friends..?" She sighed. " friends were the Sailor Senshi." "O-Oh.." He said. "Yes.., now what other questions do you need answered..?" "U-Um.. well.. I was wondering.. w-why do you do so much for us?" "Why do you try and protect our planet!?" Eternal Sailor Moon looked at him with wide eyes, and then smiled. "Isn't it obvious?" "This planet.. it's so filled with life, and peace!" "Human kind prevailed, even when the other planets life died out.., and.. this planet is my home now!" She said, with a big smile, and sad eyes. "W-What do mean by.. the last one.." He asked. "O-Oh!" She exclaimed. "I forgot you didn't know.." "The other planets used to have life on them!" The reporter looked at her, eyes bugging out. "Didn't you ever wonder why the Senshi and I were planet names?" "We were from those planets!" "Take Sailor Venus For Example." "She was born on the planet Venus, and I was born on the Moon!" She said. "O-Oh.. the reporter said, feeling dizzy. "O-One last question.. how old are you?" "O-Oh.. I'm Fourteen." She said. The reporter fainted. "Oops.." She said, looking at him. She'd look around at the crowd that had formed. "Can someone get this guy some help?" She asked. "Thanks!" She said, launching herself up into the air, and flying away. She detransformed in an alleyway, and climbed up a tree, and leapt into her room.

A few hours later.

Luna bounded into her room, holding a newspaper in her mouth. "USAGI,WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!?!?!" She shouted. Usagi held her ears in pain saying, "Luna don't be so loud!" Usagi grabbed the newspaper titled, "Eternal Sailor Moon does it for earth, and reads it. "Oh, these are the questions I answered to that news reporter who fainted!" She exclaimed. Luna looked at her angrily. "And Why didn't you tell me!" She seethed. Usagi said, "Because I knew you would get mad, but they deserved to know!" Luna looked at her. "You should have told me!" Usagi sighed. "I know, I'm sorry.." Luna sighed. "It's okay, I'm sorry for yelling.." Usagi hugged her. "It's okay." She sighed. Usagi suddenly felt something, the golden crystal was pulsing, but the silver crystal was also.. She looked at her hands wide eyed, seeing that they were fading! "Luna!" She cried, and Luna looked at her. "I think I'm teleporting!" Luna gasped. "Please look after this earth, you can transform into human form to defeat the Youma, I think another version of earth is in trouble! she said, growing more see-through by the second. "Be carful Usagi, I'll miss you!" Luna yelled. "Make sure to hypnotize my parents Usagi yelled, and then disappeared. Luna stared at the spot where Usagi had just stood, and called Artemis.

Usagi's Location.

"W-What the heck.." Usagi said, looking around the flowery field she was on. "Where am I.." Usagi looked in her Sub-Space pocket, making sure she had everything. "It looks like I'm at least miles away from civilization.." Usagi said. Usagi's Stomach Grumbled. "What am I going to eat.." She sighed. She looked around, seeing a berry bush. She walked up to it, looking at it suspiciously. She grabbed a stick off of the ground, and hit the bush with it, making a few berries fall off. She used the stick to roll the berry over to a small rock, and picked up the rock."Hiya!" She yelled, smashing the berry. She backed away quickly and watched to see if anything would happen. She watched as the juice of the blue berry slowly melted the rock. "..Well that answers if its poisonous.." She mumbled.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                                                             A/N

Hi guys! First of all, I know Usagi isn't fourteen when she becomes Eternal Sailor Moon, but it's for the plot, so just wait and see! Second, this is the end of part one, the second part will start soon! Third of all, yes she is in a magical world so the berry can do that. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask! that's all I wanted to say, bye!

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