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Usagi would yell and transform. She would run to the park which was where the Youma was. "I am the pretty guardian!" "Who fights for love and for justice!" "I am Eternal Sailor Moon!" "And now, in the name of the moon, I'll punish you!" Eternal Sailor Moon yelled. The Youma growled, and she heard people screaming. She'd touch her tiara. "Moon Twilight..Flash!" She'd yell, blinding the Youma. Eternal Sailor Moon rushed towards the three kids who were playing on the playground, and grabbed them, holding them in her arms and flying toward the roof of the building. "Stay here, I'll be back to get you." Eternal Sailor Moon said. "O-Okay, thank you Eternal Sailor Moon!" One of them yelled. Eternal Sailor Moon smiled at them, then leapt off the roof and flew towards the Youma."How dare you threaten the life's of innocent children, in the name of the moon, I'll destroy you!" The Youma growled at her, and jumped at her, swiping its claws on her leg. "Ouch!" Eternal Sailor Moon exclaimed. "You'll pay for that!" "Moon Tiara Boomerang!" She'd yell, throwing her tiara at it. The Youma growled in pain, now limping. "Okay, now to finish it!" She'd raise the Eternal Tiara. "Starlight Honeymoon...Therapy Kiss!" She'd yell at the top of her lungs. She then watched as the Youma turned into dust. "Moon dusted." She'd then stretch her wings, flying up to the flat roof, and jumped down. "Hold on!" She'd say, picking up the kids, and slowly going down to the ground. "Eternal Sailor Moon, Eternal Sailor Moon!" The people that were in the park started to surround her, and she watched as the kids and their parents were reunited. Eternal Sailor Moon,thank you!" Said everyone. "Eternal Sailor Moon where are the other Sailor Scouts!" Shouted the press, starting to surround her. Eternal Sailor Moon, with tears in her eyes, decided they had a right to know." the battle with chaos..t-they..died.. "She said, watching the peoples eyes go wide, tears starting to fall. "I-I have to go.." Said Eternal Sailor Moon."Bye.." She said, flapping her wings and launching herself into the air. She landed next to the bathrooms, and detransformed. She walked out back to the funeral and her parents went up to her. "We were worried about you, are you okay?" They asked. "I-I'm fine.." Said Usagi. "W-Well.. it's time to go.." Said her mother. "Okay.." Said Usagi.
Later, around midnight, Usagi leapt out the window, and went to the graveyard. She looked at the graves of her Senshi, and Endymion.She looked at the graves, and using her powers, altered them.
Sailor _____
Beloved Sailor Senshi, Daughter, And Friend
Last name____, first name___.
ex. Sailor Venus, Beloved Sailor Senshi, Daughter, And Friend. Aino Minako.
She then watched from her perch on a tree, as a little girl looked at all the graves and said, "Mommy look!" "These are the Sailor Senshi's Graves!" She Shouted. "What?" Said The Woman coming over to the child. "Don't Be Silly Th-" Her voice stopped abruptly as she looked at the tombstones. "Y-You're right.." She said to her daughter. "Lets give them some of our flowers!" Said the little girl, and put down a flower next to all the Sailor Senshi, and Tuxedo Masks grave. Eternal Sailor Moon hopped down from the tree with tears in her eyes. "That was very kind of you.." She said to the child. "T-Thank you Eternal Sailor Moon!" The girl said. The girl, and her mothers eye's were wide in shock, as Eternal Sailor Moon hugged the little girl, put something in her hand, and flew off. The little girl opened her palm and looked at the moon charm. "M-Mommy look what the pretty lady gave me!" She shouted.

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