Chapter 8

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"Without the boat we'll have to move double time just to keep schedule. There's far too much to see" Mr Wonka said. "Mr Wonka?" Charlie said as he was about to ask him a question and Mr Wonka replied with "yeah" giving Charlie permission to ask a question.

"Why did you decide to let people inside the factory?" Charlie asked him. "Oh so they could see the factory of course" Mr Wonka replied to him, I really wanted to know myself so I kept on listening, after all it was a very good question.

"But why now? And why only five?" Charlie asked while I was getting more curious with each question asked by him, but of course, SOMEONE just had to ruin it. "What's the special prize and who gets it?" Mike asked but not politely like Charlie. "The best kind of prize is a surprise" Mr Wonka said, answering Mike's question.

"Will Violet always be a blueberry?" Veruca asked him, I couldn't tell if she was worried through. "No, maybe. I don't know. But that's what you get from chewing gum all day. It's just disgusting" Mr Wonka answered, he does have a point but now I'm beginning to wonder as to why does he hate gum so much. "If you hate gum so much then why do you make it?" Mike asked him with an attitude. 'So? So what if he hates gum but makes it? People hate school but still go'.

"Once again, you really shouldn't mumble cause it's kinda starting to bum me out..." Mr Wonka told Mike, not answering his question. "I really hate Mike, Noona" Wonho told me of course in Korean so he didn't have to whisper, so of course I replied back to him in Korean as well, "Wonho, hate is a strong word. And it's the right one" I said as I patted his head and said "But just make sure that you don't say that to his face, he looks like the kind of boy to beat you up if he hears you, ok?" I continued, Wonho nodded and we both continued with the tour.

Just at the corner of my eye, I could see Veruca and her father staring at us with looks mixed with weird and disgust, I wasn't sure why but my guess was because they don't like *cough* aSiANs *cough*. (I can see them both as kind of racist types so that's why I put this in)

"Can you remember the first piece of candy you ever had, Mr Wonka?" Charlie had asked him, "no" Mr Wonka answered him, and he then had a flashback, but not a good one, he looked like he was in pain, like he was seeing something that had scared him since he was just a child. I tried to comfort him a bit which thankfully worked a bit.

"I'm sorry, I was having a flashback" Mr Wonka said still kind of in a somewhat trance state. "I see. These flashbacks happen often?" Mr Teevee asked which Mr Wonka replied with "increasingly today" and continued on and led us all to the next room. He led us all to a room that had a sign that said the Nut Room.

"Ah, this is a room I know about, for you see Mr Wonka, I myself am in the nut business as well" Mr Salt said while he pulled out and handed Mr Wonka his business card, he took the card and tossed it behind him without even sparing a single glance at the card.

"Are you using the Harvimax 4000 to do your sorting?" Mr Salt continued to ask Mr Wonka "no, you're really weird!" Mr Wonka said and laughed. He opened the door to the room and in we all went. And inside the room was squirrels.

"Squirrels!" Veruca said happily. "Yeah squirrels, these squirrels are specially trained to get the nut out of the shells" Mr Wonka informed us and I thought that it was really fascinating. "Why use squirrels? Why not Oompa Loompas?" Mr Salt asked him. "Because only squirrels can get the whole walnut out almost every single time" Mr Wonka answered, I was really intrigued but whatever Mr Wonka says at this point... oh who am I kidding?! I was always interested in what Mr Wonka says!

But seriously thought, Mr Wonka may be goofy at times but he is filled with knowledge, which is was I find amazing.

"You see how they tap each nut with their little knuckles, they do that to make sure it's not bad. Oh look, I think that's one got a bad nut" Mr Wonka said. Things were going very well until Veruca just had to be the one to ruin it.

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