chapter 12

732 13 12

I wake up the next morning and get ready for the day.

I look the time and see that it's 8:36 am. It was too early to wake Wonho up just yet so i just start reading one of my hundreds of books that I had one my book shelves. I must really ask Mr Wonka how can I thank the Oompa Loompas. Before I lived here, my books were all arranged in alphabetical order and when the Oompa Loompas and I were getting my room set up, they were able to organised all 100+ books in alphabetical order in less than 5 minutes.

Ahh Mr Wonka~ I'm not sure why but now, whenever I hear, think or say Mr Wonka's name my heart starts to flutter. I wonder why... Hmm... Must be because i look up to him so much. Yeah that must be why.

I was so deep into my thoughts that I didn't even notice someone at the door. "Oh little miss Strawberry~ Earth to Sooyoung~!" The next thing I knew my face was being held in Mr Wonka's hands, my face very close to his...

"Y-yes Mr Wonka?" i asked him. "I was getting ready for today's lesson for Wonho when it suddenly occurred to me that I don't know Wonho's age nor if he has any allergies" Mr Wonka said to me, hands still holding my head. I find it adorable whenever Mr Wonka begins to narrate little things in his life, it gets me so soft... Why am I thinking like this now?

Mr Wonka's POV

I knocked on Sooyoung's door and waited for a response but I got nothing. So I knocked again and waited a bit more for a response, still nothing. I began getting a bit impatient so I just opened the door myself and found Sooyoung sitting on her couch reading a book. She looked so focused into the book, which i guess would explain why she didn't hear me.

I walked up to her and tried to get her attention but still nothing. I got even more impatient and it seemed as if she was now deaf. So I just grabbed her small little face and called out to her. And finally she was back to earth.

She looked at me with such big puppy eyes and squishy rosy cheeks. And a voice as soft as a marshmallow and quiet as a mouse.

I explained to her my reason as to why i'm here and she responded "Well, Wonho turned 10 just yesterday and he has no allergies. Also he'll tell you that he's 11 but he's not. 11 is his korean age" Sooyoung said in that beautiful voice of hers. She continued to tell me things but I could no longer hear what she was saying as I began to drift my attention from her words to her face.

Her chocolate brown eyes not making any eye contact with mine, a sign of autism, her small little hands fidgeting around, another sign of autism (A/N, I'm not sure if the hands part is an actual sign of autism but I know the eye contact is. I'm sorry if I offend any of you but rest assured that I too have autism). Her black bangs that hangs softy above her eyes which softness looks can put silk to shame, and I can say is 100% correct by studies done by me in the plane to Korea. Pale soft skin that brings out her rosy cheeks, which I could finally actually touch because I didn't have my gloves on 'Snow White who? I only know Sooyoung Kim'. Small cute button nose that reminds me of a cat and finally, her plump pink lips.

I could just kiss them now. I can right now, I still have her face in my hands, all it takes is just me to move closer a bit-

"Um, Mr Wonka?" Alas, I could not. "Are you okay?" 'no I am not okay. You have no reason at all to be so adorable and small and mini like you can knock out an entire military by just existing and a super natural being by doing absolutely nothing-' "I'm fine"

(Thanos vs Sooyoung. The ultimate battle)

"Ok that's good" we then just stood there in complete silence until Sooyoung broke it. "Mr Wonka... Could you please let go of my face?" her cheeks as red as a tomato. "Oh, right, my apologies" I said as I let go of her warm face. I didn't want to but it had to be done.

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