Chapter 11

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I woke up the next morning but not in my bedroom in Korea like always, then I remembered that I now live in Mr Wonka's factory, but I'm not there either. Actually... where am I? Why am I in something that looks like the inside of a plane and why is my head on Mr Wonka's lap- wAiT WHaT?

I can feel Mr Wonka stroking my hair, not that I didn't mind I really liked it whenever someone strokes my hair. Now I know why Wonho says I'm like a cat.

I opened my eyes and turned my head to face and look up to Mr Wonka, "Good morning Sunshine!" Mr Wonka said to me, blushed and smiled at him and said good morning to him too. "Mr Wonka, where's Wonho?" "Wonho's in the other room, eating" "Oh, thank you" I said to him as I got up from his lap and sat up straight, next to him. "Mr Wonka?" "Hm?" "Where are we going?" "We're going to Korea" I looked at Mr Wonka in shock, "Why?" Mr Wonka then smiled at me and chuckled, "To get yours and Wonho's stuff of course! You'll need your clothes and stuff of course!" I was surprised at Mr Wonka's words, but of course, he did have a point.

"Are you hungry? Would you like some food? You need to eat if you want to have any energy" Mr Wonka said to me. I then realised that the only thing I've eaten yesterday was just candy. "Yes please" Mr Wonka then called over an Oompa Loompa, one of them came dressed as an air stewardess, which i thought was pretty funny, rolled a tray with wheels and put it next to Mr Wonka and left.

Mr Wonka lifted up the lid that was covering what I presumed was food and I was greeted by roast beef, baked potatoes and a small blueberry pie with whipped cream on top. I looked at Mr Wonka with the most disapproving look in history, there was nothing in my mind but what happened to Violet. Mr Wonka then burst out laughing, "Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with the food!" Mr Wonka told me during laughs. After a bit, he calmed down and held my hand and caressed it, "You know I'd never hurt you, right?" I felt my heart warm up at his word, or maybe it's because an Oompa Loompa turned up the heat.

I nodded and smiled. Mr Wonka then let go of my hand and picked up the fork and knife. He then began to cut the roast beef up and picked one of the pieces up with the fork and brought it to up, "Say ahh" I blushed at this but obliged "Ahh..." and Mr Wonka put the piece of meat into my mouth and I began to start chewing. I swallowed and Mr Wonka repeated his actions. As I continued to fed by Mr Wonka I refused to make any sort of eye contact out of embarrassment. That was until Mr Wonka lifted up my chin up.

"Aw come on, I wanna see your cute face~" I could not comprehend what was happening and the shade of red on my cheeks put the red wrappers on Wonka bars to shame but I did as i was told and I went back to eating and Mr Wonka to feeding me. I could hear some of the Oompa Loompas snickers and I looked at Mr Wonka "Don't worry they're just kidding" they then snickered again "Say that again and you won't be getting any cocoa beans tonight." I looked at Mr Wonka shocked, "What did they say?" "Don't worry about it" and he proceeded to feed me.

It was all fun and games until we heard a loud snapping sound. Like a photo being taken from a camera. No. Mr Wonka and I turned to face the front of us and there was Wonho being himself. Taking a photo of Mr Wonka feeding me. "원호 내가 곤경에 처한 사진을 제거하지 않으면 맹세한다" (Wonho I swear if you dare not get rid of that photo you're in trouble) I warned Wonho, "NEVERRRRRRRRRRRRR" Wonho said as he ran back into wherever he came from.

"What did you say?" Mr Wonka asked me, "Don't worry about it" I said mocking him from earlier with a smug face. "Oh, so that's how you wanna play?" Mr Wonka said. Mr Wonka was about to do something until and Oompa Loompa came in. They both communicated and then the Oompa Loompa left. "We're here" Mr Wonk said as he got up and extended his hand out to me. I then took it and we left the plane and towards my front house.

As Mr Wonka, Wonho, and I reached the front door, there were our neighbours staring at us, whispering things about us. Things such as "Who's that man?" "He's not from here clearly" "What's he doing with Sooyoung and Wonho?" "I always knew that girl wasn't as innocent as she looked" 'what?' I looked over to my right and saw that it was Mrs Wong, she was a sour woman in her middle ages. She always never liked me. I wish I knew why.

I unlocked the door and us three entered, but before Mr Wonka did he signalled something to the Oompa Loompas. They then entered my house with boxes and packing tape and began packing the things. "Wonho, you start with your room, ok?" "Yes, Noona!" Wonho then made his way to his room along with 3 Oompa Loompas.

I looked to my left and saw Mr Wonka look at some photos hung up of Wonho and I. I then made my way to my room. I opened the door and 2 Oompa Loompas came in and started packing things. They were fast. I started looking at the photos that I had of Wonho and I and some others on me like when I graduated from Collage for baking.

"Was that you?" "AHHHHH" I screamed. I turned and saw Mr Wonka right behind me looking right over my head and to my graduation photo. "U-uh yes" "Awe you look so adorable" He said as he picked up the framed photo from my drawer. "T-thank you" I said as i gently took the photo back from his hands.

One of the Oompa Loompas tugged at my waist, I looked at him and he had a box held out to me, it already had other photos inside so I assumed that he wanted me to put the photo inside the box. So I did so.

I looked to the rest of my room and my eyes almost fell out of my head. There were only two Oompa Loompas and yet my room is completely done. No wonder why Mr Wonka hires them. "I know, they're really good workers" Mr Wonka said as if he read my mind. "If there is one thing that I love about the Oompa Loompas is that they're such excellent workers......and they understand every language." "Wait what?" "Mhm"

We all proceeded to exit what used to be my home. I looked around one last time, this was where Wonho grew up. It now was all empty. I closed the door and put the key underneath the doormat. We all then boarded the plane and off we were back to the factory which was now my home.

Time skip

After what felt like years, we finally arrived back to London, to the factory. The Oompa Loompas started taking out the boxes and started filling the ones from Wonho's room into his new one and the same for me.

"Now that you two have your stuff, you can organise how you'd like your rooms to be" Mr Wonka told Wonho and I. "Mr Wonka?" "Yes?" "What do we do with the things from the kitchen and such?" I asked him, "Well, I was thinking that you could go through the boxes with Wonho and see what you want to keep and what you just throw into garbage shoot" Mr Wonka said, I then nodded, "Well, we don't need anything from the kitchen" "Ok then" Mr Wonka then signalled some Oompa Loompas and they began to take away the boxes from the kitchen and such.

Another time skip

The Oompa Loompas had helped Wonho and I organise our rooms and I really do like them. Since they can understand our language, it made it very easy for Wonho to communicate with them. Though I did tell him that he should speak more English if he wants to improve and survive in London. Of course he agreed.

I was in Wonho's room with him when we heard a knock at the door. "Come in!" Wonho said and it was Mr Wonka, "Hello Wonho! May I take Sooyoung for a bit?" Mr Wonka asked Wonho with a smile, Wonho then agreed and I followed Mr Wonka and left Wonho's room and he closed the door.

"So tell me Sooyoung, how would you say Wonho is when it comes to learning?" "Well, I'd say very good! He always finished his work on time, pays a lot of attention, follows the instructions and always accepts others opinions" I informed Mr Wonka with pride knowing that I'm talking about my little brother.

"Hmm, well then, tell Wonho that he will start his training tomorrow at 10 am" Mr Wonka told me, I nodded and smiled, "Excellent! Good night dear Sooyoung" Mr Wonka said as he walked off. "Good night Mr Wonka" and I then went back into Wonho's room.

"Wonho, you'll be starting your training with Mr Wonka tomorrow at 10 am, so be sure to wake up on time, ok dear?" "Yes, Noona! Good night!" Wonho said as he tucked himself into his bed. "Good night angel" I said as I kissed his forehead and made my way to the door. As I was about to turn off the light Wonho said, "Noona, are you and Mr Wonka gonna get married?" 'I swear this boy is gonna give me a heart attack' "Wonho, I love you but there's a line to everything that not even you can cross. Good night!" I turned off the lights and made my way to my room.

I went and got ready for bed and indulged myself into the soft and plush bed and happily fell asleep. Wondering what the next day has prepared.



Word Count: 1752

Chocolate And Strawberries (Willy Wonka x oc)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя