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   A deathly silence, one often accompanied by darkness and danger, settled over the room like a hawk waiting to strike, as Audrey flung back her head and wept bitterly into the night. A bat flew by her window outside, but she didn't particularly care; in fact she wasn't quite sure why she'd even noticed it. There were far, far bigger things on her mind. The events of this afternoon played repeatedly in her head, and she could not drown the waves of emotion. 
His words resounded in her head, "You can run, but you can't hide forever." "I will find you and I will kill you!" and she knew that even though she was in a completely safe, guarded facility, there would be no sleep for her that night; as exhausted as she was it was the last thing on her mind.
It had started out as a good day. Mother was already gone, probably to the liquor store, when she woke up, and she could get ready for school in peace and quiet. She left at 7:30, even though school didn't start until 8:30 and it was only a ten minute walk. All she cared about was that she was gone before Mother got back.
School had gone well, and she had gotten two A+ grades in math and geography. Excitedly, she skipped home at 3:00 with the tests in her hand to show her single parent, if one could call her that. The sun was brilliantly shining almost as if to match her hopes that for once her mother would be happy with her. Caution set in as she reached the front door, and she carefully turned the doorknob and entered. The house was eerily quiet and the lights were on. Something that was incredibly unusual for Maggy. Now Audrey was a little uneasy, and the tests dropped forgotten from her hands as she carefully stepped forward, a blinding fear and apprehension tightening her stomach dreadfully, for no apparent reason aside from the thick layer of dread tainting the old, run down single wide, rented for a whopping $250 per month.
"Mom?" Audrey questioned into the musty hall. There was nothing to greet her except a lonely echo of her own voice bouncing through the empty rooms.
That was the instant she knew something was wrong. Terror gripped her, and her eyes burned with tears of fear. Panicking, she crept forward, nearly hyperventilating when a floorboard groaned under her step. She inched down the hall and reached the kitchen. As she stepped around the corner, the sight that met her eyes caused her to halt in her tracks and spew her dinner over the rug beneath her feet. Her mother lay awkwardly in the center of the floor, face up. Three kniveshaunted out at crazy angles from her bare chest. The entire contents of her stomach had been opened to the world and spread around her in a red sea of gruesome horror for the world to see. Her mouth hung open, and some of her teeth were scattered over her face, mixed in with the crusty blood covering her matted golden hair. Her neck was severed partway through, and a small pocket knife hung cruelly from the gash.
This was all Audrey noticed before her vision went funny. Her scream penetrated the house to its core, and she turned on one foot and ran sobbing for the door. As she opened it and flung herself out she became aware of footsteps running behind her. Her adrenaline soared, and she spared a quick glance behind her to see a figure in a black ski mask and drenched in what was likely her mother's blood accelerating down the hall behind her, knife clenched tightly in his raised hand. She screamed again and slammed the door on him, just as he hit it with his entire body. Audrey turned and ran for her life, literally. She dodged between houses, twisting and turning through the streets of San Francisco, hoping desperately to reach a better part of town where the houses would have locks on the doors and people behind them that could help her. Her mother's killer was close on her heels, so close she could hear his strangled breathing as he struggled to catch up to her. One thing was certain, her classes in phys ed were of an advantage to her right now, as he clearly was not in shape. She was leaving him behind, and the houses began to look better and better. She dodged right down an alley-way and ran halfway down it before he turned the corner after her. Her breath was coming slower now and her steps were lagging as her hope began to die out. With one last burst of energy, she set her eyes on a smaller yellow house in front of her. The killer was gaining fast, and she willed her legs to move faster. Her lungs throbbed painfully with each step, but she frantically kept running. She reached the sidewalk, and again she could hear the man's desperate breathing as he bore down on her. Up the driveway past the black Chevy cruise. He was no more than ten feet behind her now, clearly she had misjudged his endurance. A knife flew past her head and lodged into the door just as she reached it. She twisted the doorknob and crashed through, turning instantly and locking it, then twisting the dead bolt as his body hit the other side. The door quivered terribly, but held tight. She turned and leaned her back against it as though it might help, and gasped through her sobbing breaths to the rightfully shocked younger couple making love on the couch, "please.. Cops.. gasp.. 9..11.. gasp.. 9.. gasp.. 1.. gasp.. 1.. !!"
The impact of a hurling body struck the door again, and it shuddered mightily, jarring the young man to reality, and he hurriedly ran for the phone. Audrey leaned into the blow, holding the door shut as best as she could. A raspy, yet high pitched voice from outdoors reached her ears, muffled by the solid wood.
"You can run Audrey, but I will eventually find you and kill you, just like I did to your fucking  bitch of a mother. You can run but you can't hide forever."
Footsteps pounded away and she peered through the window to see him dash off down another dingy alley. Then, when she realized he was gone for the moment she sank down by in front of the door as cop cars began appearing from every direction, sirens and lights drowning the entire neighborhood. Tears of relief, shock and sorrow engulfed her, and even as the young woman of the household placed a now clothed arm around her and tried to ask what was the matter, she fell into darkness and oblivion, the shock taking over.

Authors note:
Thank you to anybody who decides to read this! If you drop a vote it will mean the world to me!!
Please let me know with a comment whether you enjoyed it, or think it could be better! This is the first book I've ever actually been inspired about that has a somewhat good plot, and if it does well there's easily enough to turn it into a trilogy!!
Thank you dearies♥️

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