Chapter Five; Horses And Strange Boys

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Caitlin was assigned the task of showing Gracie the ropes, since they got on so well, Rylee had said. Briefly, she wondered how the lady could tell.
"I'm gonna show you the horses first! They're all so beautiful but mine's the absolute best of course!" she grinned playfully.
They headed to the huge hip roof barn, and Caitlin showed Gracie how to slide the bar back and open the heavy barn door. An aroma hit her nose instantly and she had wrinkled her nose at it, but it was also kind of comforting. It smelled of hay, dust, and.. horse, she guessed, unsure what to call it. The lights were always on even at night, Caitlin explained, but showed her the light switches anyway. The smaller one was the one that was left on for night and the big bright ones were generally shut off with the other one at 8:00 pm. after the horses were fed and inside for the night. The long aisle was brightly lit and horse heads gazed over nearly every stall door at them, a few of them nickering loudly. A dim memory flashed into Gracie's brain, of an aisle very similar to this, and huge horse heads gazing at her. She had petted on of them, it's breath had tickled her small hand.. just like that the memory was gone and she wondered where it had come from. She was very young in it, maybe three?
"This is New King, also called Zeus sometimes," Caitlin gestured to the stunning white horse on the left, closest to the barn door. "He's Winter's assigned horse, and they do dressage. He's a Lippizaner, he was actually kind of expensive but Rylee had always wanted him so she couldn't pass him up. She paid $9,400 for him!" Caitlin nearly whispered the last sentence, to emphasize it along with huge round eyes, and they laughed. Still, Gracie thought, an exorbitant amount.
Desert Star was across from King, and his nickname was Star. He seemed loud and obnoxious, snorting fiercely at them and arching his neck like it was broken. He was magnificent though, and he looked like many of the horses she'd seen sketched in her art class. Caitlin said he was an Arabian, a Crabbet bred one, whatever that was. He was a stallion, and the only ones allowed to handle him were Avery and Rylee since he didn't much appreciate the idea of new people handling him. Wait. Why did my heart skip a beat when she said his name?? I despise that sullen grouch. His bond with Rylee is the strongest, Caitlin told her. "He'll do anything for her with or without a halter!"
"What's a halter?," she asked, furrowing her brow.
"Wow you really don't know anything do you!" Caitlin laughed. "It's all good, most of us have all been there. We'll get there directly after meeting the rest."
There was a lot of horses. Charlie rode a horse named Diesel, a dirty grey, yellow maned Thoroughbred gelding that towered at 16.1hands high. He seemed horribly skittish. Charlie was an eventer at heart, so while he had started on a Quarter Horse named Mac who had later sold, he was soon switched because Thoroughbreds were apparently much better at jumping and had much more endurance for the cross country, whatever that is.
Caleb's horse was Moonswept Freedom, mostly called Freedom. She was taller than Diesel at 17 hands. Gracie still didn't quite understand all these words but Caitlin used them anyway telling her she'd catch on soon. She seemed pretty stable and quiet. She was what Caitlin called a dark bay, and a Hanoverian.
America's horse Storm was shorter, but not as short as Star. She stood 15 hands high and was a beautiful brown and white horse with a black mane and tail. Gracie was quickly told she was a Paint, and the color was called bay tobiano. She knew she'd never remember all this information, but she nodded and scratched Storm's forehead anyway. She seemed docile and safe. Apparently her and America did barrel racing. Whatever that was.
Alejandro had a massive mount, simply called Amigo. He had been paired with this horse because of his Spanish background, Caitlin said, telling her Amigo was an Andalusian. He was a dappled grey with a thick, long mane, and stood 16.2 hands. He was wide and thicc with two c's, and Gracie was secretly glad that she didn't have to ride him. He seemed entirely too scary, although she was reassured quickly by Alejandro, who was mucking out his stall, that he was the sweetest thing on the planet. She remained unconvinced.
JuneLily rode a 14.3 hand bay horse named Dasher, who was a Quarter Horse and did mounted shooting as well as reining. Dasher was beautiful, but his long mane looked like a lot of work. It was carefully braided, typical JuneLily style, so that it would grow even longer, she was told. His tail tied up in a funny knot for the same reason, he looked a wee bit comical in Gracie's opinion, but his coat did gleam like a jar of Aunt Jemima's in the sun. He seemed sort of Royal.
Chandler's horse was a grade, which meant they didn't know what breed he was. He was a rescue from a slaughter sale, and he was 15.2 hands high with a crooked white blaze and three high stockings splashed onto his jet black, chunky but tall body. He had a kind look to his eye, but also a wise one, like he could see into the future and was just appalled at these humans foolish antics.
That left Avery's horse. The same tall black stallion he'd been leading when she got here. He was a Hanoverian as well, standing 17.2 hands high, and had a much kinder expression than his owner usually had. Gracie didn't dare to touch him lest she was scolded flicking a hair out of place, he was so meticulously well kept. He was only three years old, so not very well trained yet, Caitlin explained. Avery's dream was to one day compete in the Olympics show jumping with him, she was also told. Nobody, not even Rylee, did anything with him. He would let the horse be led by Rylee but that was it. He was determined to do everything himself, and that new information didn't surprise Gracie at all. But she had to admit she admired the way he dreamed and then worked for his dream. It was a good quality to have. Perhaps his only good quality beside his good looks. Stop it. Stop thinking about him. What is wrong with you?? She thought angrily.
Next to High Mountain Timber, called Timber, stood Gracie's assigned horse. She was tall too, 17.1 hands, and a beautiful chestnut with a star, a snip, and four even stockings. She was called Moose, and was a Hanoverian as well. Gracie loved her.
"Why are most of them Hanoverians?" She asked.
"Because the Fast's used to raise them before they started the therapy ranch after Rylee's husband was killed in a motorcycle accident," Caitlin explained, "Rylee and Avery still prefer them and think they are the best breed out there, but don't talk to Avery about it or you'll probably get killed in your sleep. I think for him it's a way to remember and honour his dad. I think that's why he wants to take Timber to the Olympics, but that's just my theory." She added in a lowered voice. For a moment, she felt compassion for the poor boy. She wanted to know more about the accident, but she knew it wasn't her business, so she didn't press, instead turning back to Moose and gazing awestruck into her large, doleful eyes. Her ears were comically large, and flopped out to the sides of her face sort of like a donkey. Her nose was flat and large, and she seemed to Gracie the most beautiful animal she'd ever seen. Moose chose this moment to snort, spattering snot all over her face.
"Ew!" She cried, laughing as she wiped her face with her arm and shook her finger at Moose to scold her.
"And this is my horse, Lonesome Glory," Caitlin told her, "She's a Gypsy Vanner, also an expensive breed in this area. She's short, only 14.2 hands high, but that's just perfect for my little 5'2" self!" She joked. "We do dressage and she's not the greatest per se but she sure looks stunning doing it!" She was a black tobiano, she continued to explain, and looked like a miniature draft horse if that made sense.
Then there was Rylee's horse Sky Thunder, another Hanoverian. Surprise, surprise! She was a solid chestnut, gleaming like a polished button. She was a bit shorter in comparison to the other Hanoverians, standing only 15.3 hands.
There was a couple empty stalls, then the tack room, a feed room for grain, and two wash stalls at the end. The hay setup was fairly old fashioned, stored in the loft and thrown down bale by bale. Each person was expected to feed and water their own horse, and the boys and girls took turns feeding the nine spare horses outside, some projects and some retired, as well as two minis. They also were all expected to muck out their horse's stall twice a day, and grooming them and riding them was obviously also standard. It was 4:00 by the time they finished meandering through the barn going through everything from saddles to the shavings in the lean to.
"Let's brush our horses now while the wash stalls are free, then we'll muck out their stalls and go in for supper, sound like a plan?" Caitlin suggested.
"Sure, I guess so," an unconfident Gracie replied.
Caitlin laughed. "It's ok, I'll show you what to do!"
She caught Glory first and let Gracie put the halter on and off several times to understand how it worked, since Glory was much shorter and her head much more within reach than Moose. Then she clipped the lead rope on and led her out of the stall, showing her how to properly tie her into the wash stall.
Then they caught Moose, and Gracie did have to try three times before she got the halter on right, but she remembered the slip knot once they got to the wash stall which felt like a tremendous accomplishment. Caits, as she was instructed to call her, showed her how to use the dandy to get the larger stains loosened up, then the soft body brush to remove the dust and shine her up. Moose was patient and calm through it all, clearly well trained, and enjoyed the grooming. It took Gracie nearly twice as long to brush Moose as it took Caits to brush Glory, but she told Gracie it was partly because there was so much more of Moose then there was of Glory.
Then came the fun part. Mucking stalls. They each grabbed a manure fork and a wheelbarrow and did each stall together so that Caits could tell Gracie how to do it. It was hard, and quite frustrating, but they got it done and dumped their wheelbarrows on the muck pile at the back of the yard. Gracie was sure her hands were starting to blister, and suddenly she felt very tired. Her arms felt like jello after grooming that monster of a horse and then picking up all her poo yet too. I guess I'll finally get strong without a gym pass, she chuckled to herself as she led Moose back to her stall. She unbuckled the halter and gave her massive neck a tight hug. Somehow it was comforting to find such stability in an animal that far outweighed her and smelled kinda funny. She was quickly learning to like this strange smell they had, and was losing her timidness around them, even the big horses like Amigo. Caits had gone in already, telling her to be sure she was inside in ten minutes to wash up and help with supper. She slipped out of the stall, alone with her thoughts for the first time all day. She still felt sad and broken, but she had to keep it together. Maybe if she pretended nothing ever happened, she could forget that it actually did. She walked out of the barn feeling alone and small, a dot on the page of a thick novel. Outside, a pickup and horse trailer pulled into the yard. Avery strolled over from filling the water trough to talk to the driver. Driven by some strange motive, Gracie leaned against the barn and watched. The ranch had quickly come alive. The trailer was shaking back and forth and every couple seconds a loud blam echoed across the yard as the horse inside hammered at the door, she was assuming with his hooves. Several horses neighed and Prince, the St Bernard, was barking fit to be tied. He acted as though he didn't like the driver. Avery acted the same way, but she couldn't tell for so far away. Then again, he didn't like anybody except his mom and his horse so did it really make a difference? She felt a bit angry for a second. What gives him the right to hate everyone? Who said he was allowed to be so friggen miserable all the time anyway?
Avery guided the driver to back up to a pen that was round and had massive, thickly boarded sides. He opened the gate and swung it into the pen, then went back to talk to the driver again. Rylee was coming out of the house now with some papers in her hand. They all signed the papers and she stashed them away in her jeans pocket. Then her and Avery went back to the pen and rigged up some sort of rope to the back of the trailer. Rylee went back out to stand beside the trailer. The kicking and loud neighing from inside was only getting more incessant as time went on. Gracie walked over to stand beside Rylee, as Avery stood to the side and gave the rope one hard pull in between kicks, the trailer door swung open towards him.
But he wasn't quite quick enough, and the horse hit the door anyways as he charged out of the trailer. The door flew outwards, and Rylee screamed. Avery dropped to the ground so fast Gracie thought for a second he'd just vanished. Rylee ran towards the pen where the horse was now bucking and kicking up dust, looking mighty fierce and dangerous. Rylee shouted at the driver to pull forward, and he did. Strangely, Gracie found herself running too, shouting at the top of her lungs, "Are you ok Avery?" He was on the ground in the pen, crawling towards the gate at an insane rate of speed as the horse charged towards him. Panicking, Gracie ran faster, straight into the pen and towards the horse yelling and waving her arms at it. He noticed her and hit the brakes abruptly, his eyes white ringed and crazed, as dirt flew and he whirled about kicking backwards as he headed away. A resounding crack was heard, and it took a bit for Gracie to realize she was falling because she been kicked in the head. The pain came as she hit the ground, and the breath was knocked completely out of her lungs. Rendered helpless, she lay on her back as things seemed to turn into slow motion. Somebody grabbed her shoulders and unceremoniously yanked her backwards, dragging her across the dirt at such a speed she wasn't sure if maybe the horse had picked her up after all. A loud clanking sound brought her back up to normal speed as Rylee closed the gate. Must be Avery that was propping her up against the fence then. She tried desperately to get her breath back as Rylee turned to her.
"Avery is she alright? Are you alright? What happened anyway? Are you alright sweetie?" Despite her typical rock like calmness she was confused and worried.
"I think she's alright, she just gotta catch her breath," Avery cut her off as she tried to gasp that she was ok. "She ran at him, probably to deflect him from running me over, tripped over me, and caught his hoof on the way down. I think. Don't quote me on it."
"What about you though?" Rylee asked, and by the expression on her face Gracie could tell she was worried sick.
"I'll be fine my reflexes were pretty dang good if I dare say," he grinned. "I dropped out of the way of that door with not even a half a second to spare, but I didn't get hit in the end, just grazed my ear."
"Ok, then let's focus on Gracie, are you ok dear, how does your head feel?" She questioned, still not convinced the two were ok. "My you've got a goose-egg there already!! Let's get you inside and get some ice on it."
"Hurts, pretty bad," Gracie wheezed attempting a laugh. She tried to stand up, but the world spun around her, and she had to sit back down.
"You're not going anywhere for a bit, Gray," the boy spoke firmly, "I'll carry you in."
"Right," confirmed Rylee, "I'm going to head in to get an ice pack ready as well as some Tylenol for the pain." She headed to the house.
Don't call me that, she thought towards Avery. Who even calls a person Gray for a nickname?! Weirdo.
"Uh, ok.. I gasp hope you can gasp carry me!" She tried to laugh through the throbbing pain of her forehead.
"Pish," Avery scoffed. "You're literally nothing but skin and bones." He stooped down and picked her up gently. Electricity and fire turned her blood hot, while it seemed all her organs turned ice cold.
Gracie covered her gasp at the contact with another gasp for breath, but it was shaky, and she feared he would know what he was doing to her, even in all that pain. He stood up and she nearly gasped again as his stomach muscles tightened against her side under his shirt. Thankfully the pain took over again and she managed to keep her mind on that and not on how her whole body was on fire and she was sure her face was burning red, even though she knew she couldn't blush if she tried. She could hear his heartbeat thudding through his body. It sounded a bit erratic, but it was so strong and powerful, and it made her want to never leave his arms.
Wait what?! What are you thinking? This is the guy that can't be nice if he tried! She tried to scold herself.
But he's being nice right now, to you. Her brain argued back. She decided to ignore her brain. Again, those stupid voices usually never had good advice.
"Do you want to sit on the couch, or go to your room?" Avery asked. His voice. The way it resonated deeply in his chest..
"Uh the couch," she replied.
And so he took her to the couch and set her down. The others were all over her in an instant, having seen what had happened from the kitchen window. Avery slipped out before she could say thank you. Rylee handed her an ice pack wrapped in a towel and told the others to get lost and go eat supper, to leave her be to rest a little. They obeyed, laughing a little. The cold ice almost made the pain worse for a little, but it felt good at the same time. She swallowed the pills Rylee handed her, and leaned back on the couch with the ice pack resting on her head on its own.
The parlour door squeaked back open, and Avery was back with a plate of steaming beef, sweet salad, and mashed potatoes in one hand and a cup of iced tea in the other. He put them down on the coffee table and looked at her.
"I don't know if you're hungry or not but there's your food," he rubbed the back of his neck, then walked to the bookshelf and pulled out a book, tossing it down beside the food. "That's a book I really like if you want something to read."
"Avery, thank you," Gracie said sincerely. "I'm kinda hungry, by now this has been a long day."
He stared at her for a second, his eyes unwavering and bright. Then they seemed to darken as though somebody had pulled the shutters tight and turned off the lights. They were back to their wary, distrusting look faster than the snap of a finger, and Gracie felt a little disappointed that the real sunshine in the boy wasn't out to stay.
"Welcome," and he gruffly turned and headed out of the parlour again. Gracie looked at Rylee, who'd been silent the whole exchange. She was staring after him, a hurting, longing, yet loving look in her grey eyes. She smiled a little then turned to Gracie.
"That boy is something else. Never will figure him out. Anyhow, I'll leave you to rest and moan in agony. I'll get somebody to look after Moose for you tonight. You're not showing any signs of a concussion but I'm going to have Caitlin sleep with you tonight just to be safe. Do you want to sleep here in the parlour or go to your room?"
"Here is fine," Gracie sighed, picking up her plate and digging in.
"Right then," she walked out of the room leaving Gracie not to rest, but to instead mull over the brooding, mysterious boy named Avery.

A/N: photo of Moose at the top! :)
Lmk what you think I got bored and decided to just go ahead and update today. Please consider leaving a comment and voting!!!
Have a good day and don't let COVID get you down!!

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