Growing Boredom

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The Anti Void, a seeming neverending whiteness. A maze of blue strings lining seemingly miles of otherwise nothingness. Hanging from the "ceiling" of the void, the blue strings are tangled in a chaotic jumble. Truly they are a suitable home for a character just as chaotic, Error, destroyer of worlds.

Error's POV

Today's been so boring. I haven't been destroying a lot of things recently since that freak's been on my case. What was his name again? Right, Ink. My puppets are entertaining enough... for now anyway.

Narrator's POV

A small circular area is sectioned off with blue string looped around multiple times. Within the section lies five dolls made of string. A few strings from each doll's limbs are wrapped around Error's exposed fingers and toes. There seems to be two sides, one with two puppets and another with three. The larger side is over powering the smaller one. Upon closer inspection you can see a small white glow coming from inside each doll's chest, almost soul like. Suddenly one of the dolls jabs their mitten like hand into one of the two opposing puppets. It reaches into it's chest and grabs it's soul, taking it out of the doll's body. The enemy doll is rendered powerless as the dominant one crushes the artificial soul. Error tugs on an almost invisible wire that sharply cuts the enemy doll into a million pieces, simulating the dusting of a monster. Surely this is an entertaining sight for a sadistic murderer such as Error, though after simulating dozens of battles equally as brutal he is growing impatient.

Error's POV

These simulations are getting old by now. My puppets are too predictable to be entertaining for this long. The problem is that they can't convey emotion. Their string systems are already so complicated, and I couldn't possibly create a readable face out of this material. Perhaps I could take up knitting, or crocheting. Yeah, I could probably steal some supplies... The real problem is that these artificial souls don't allow them to do much other than walk without my interferance. They can barely balance and lack the ability to talk. Perhaps I could give them more similarities to artificial intelligence... That's going to take time though. I need to find a living being to destroy, and now.

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