Speak of the Devil

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At the same time in the Doodlesphere...

Ink's POV

I've been checking the AUs to make sure that Error hasn't been causing any interference. Supposedly it's noon in Undertale. If Error isn't causing any trouble, then what is he doing? Maybe I should go check on him. He seems to stay in the "Anti Void."

Narrator's POV

Taking his giant paintbrush in hand, Ink painted a large circle on the ground and watched as a window to the Anti Void opened. Watching closely, he witnessed the mock battle between Error's toys and nearly laughed.

"This is what Error does when he has nothing to destroy?" Imagine that! A destroyer of worlds playing with dolls like a child. Chuckling to himself, Ink managed to fall into the Anti Void by accident, directly into the arena.

"W-what? How did you get here?!" Error exclamed, voice glitching in shock.

"Oops," Ink replied. The remaining four dolls swarmed around Ink and tied him down using their own string. With the dolls out of the way, Error lowered the strings holding him up, though he still loomed above Ink cautiously. Ink was clearly unable to escape, yet Error wasn't as confident as you might think a power house like him would be. While Error was able to erase entire universes from existence with ease, he wasn't the best conversationalist. Especially when the confrontation is unexpected and with someone equally as powerful.

"W-why are you here?" Error managed to spit out, voice glitching slightly.

"Well I'm not here on purpose... I was just going to check on you but I fell in."

"You didn't see anything, did you?"

"You mean your dolls? Yup, it was quite entertaining."

"Don't. Tell. Anyone."

"I wouldn't interfere with any timelines deliberately, so you can relax," explained Ink.

"May I leave now?" he added, growing impatient.

"I guess..." replied Error, his stomach thundering. He was hungry. It was noon after all. Releasing the binding placed on Ink, he raised himself a couple feet in caution. Dusting himself off, Ink stood up and looked at Error in confusion. He didn't think that Error would let him go that easily. He was almost disatisfied. Out of curiosity he decided to test his boundaries and invited him to lunch.

"Hungry are you, Error?"


"Why don't you come over to my place for a while for lunch? It is noon after all." Error took a second to consider Ink's previous behavior. Ink was delibrately patient and friendly towards him since Error seemed nervous.

"Okay, I'll go," Error replied.

"Cool, then can I have my paintbrush back? I need it to take us there." Error handed over the paintbrush. He was a bit curious to see how it worked.

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