How Do I Relax?

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Ink's POV

I had just arrived back at the house, but I couldn't quite settle in. I tried lying on the couch, staring out the window at the field I created, but I kept worrying . What if he wakes up and realizes what time it is? What if he goes out and destroys some poor universe? What if he forgets about our meeting all together and I never see him again?! Urgh! I just want to relax. I worked so hard, and while I want to find answers, I need to take a break. Well, maybe I'm not so tired, and I just need to get out there and do something? No, I'm definitely exhausted. My hands are still sore from working so hard. I guess I haven't eaten lunch yet since I was waiting to make lunch until I invited Error over. Yeah, I'll make myself a good old sandwich! Walking into the kitchen I began contemplating what I should put on said sandwich. Lunch meats are classic, but I was thinking warmer. I did have some bacon left in the fridge. That's a delightful idea, a bacon sandwich! I could put some lettuce on top for some extra crunch, maybe some tomatoes. Yes, a BLT is exactly what is called for in a time of such a need.

Error's POV

Ergh... Oh right, I was asleep. Stretching out my arms, I hopped off of the hammock. I sat down on the cold hard ground trying to remember what I wanted to do today. Usually I wouldn't have any plans, so I wasn't familiar to the concept of remembering events or errands. Suddenly I felt a sizable grumble from my stomach. Right, wasn't I supposed to have lunch with Ink? Honestly I didn't quite enjoy spending time in that place, but something about it, even with the overwhelming surroundings of his domain was preferable to wallowing around here. Twiddling with a thread between my fingers, I opened a portal to Undertale. A quick in and out to check the time since I couldn't accurately pinpoint the location of a clock without entry. I stumbled into the familiar kitchen of the other me. "Two 'o' clock!" I exclaimed. "What was that?" called the voice of the taller skeleton brother. Did I say that out loud? 

Quickly I rushed back through the portal and into the void. "Crap, I'm late!" I don't know why I cared so much about our little meeting, but I suppose timeliness is important to more social people such as Ink. I suppose it would be fair to admit that I was anticipating the little event. Not excited of course, but it was a change of pace to the usual depressing state of my days. I attempted to open a portal to the Doodle Sphere, surprised to find that I had easy access to the place. I fell directly onto the floor, unlike the last time I had visited. I suppose he didn't expect my entry after my rude dismissal of our meeting. If that was the case, then why was I able to enter so easily then? Ignoring the thought, I continued up the pathway to Ink's home. I took my time seeing as I was already late, this time being more considerate of the fragility of many of the objects around me. Flowers mostly. They're much too colorful for my taste, but at least the outer parts of the Doodle Sphere were empty. On the horizon I noticed a newer feature, a sudden patch of grass along with two adjacent trees. Something was hanging from them, but I couldn't quite make out what it was. Soon I continued along the path, feeling adequately familiar with my surroundings. A wave of anxiety rushed over me as I stepped onto the porch of Ink's home. I couldn't tell why, but I wouldn't let it stop me from entering. I was determined to finally try something out of my comfort zone. No, motivated would be a better word. After all, fear is the best motivator. I took a deep breath before knocking on the door, only to be interrupted by the sudden appearance of Ink in the narrow door frame.

"Huh?!" He fell back surprised by my sudden appearance. I have to admit, I was also shocked, but not that much. He must have been really out of it.

Ink's POV

As I quickly fell on my ass, the only thing I could do was sit there for a moment, staring into his eyes. 

"What are you doing here?"

"Oh, sorry," he replied while helping me up, "I overslept, didn't I?"

"Oh yeah! our lunch date," I remembered, "Gosh, I totally forgot to pick you up!" I feel guilty for assuming he wouldn't remember. He might be a better guest than I thought. "I should be sorry, Error. Come in and sit down!" 

Leading him inside, I caught sight of my crumb covered plate from lunch. "I'll be right back with some tea," I told him while quickly taking my plate out of sight. I felt so guilty for not waiting for him to eat lunch. I just hoped he wouldn't be upset with my terrible manners. Quickly shoving the plate into the sink to wash later, I prepared a kettle of tea on the stove. I let out a sigh while I slumped over the counter. I really thought a break would be good for me, but I'm only more stressed than ever! At least my hands aren't as sore, I guess. Oh! Error still hasn't eaten has he? I'll go ask him. Darting my head out of the kitchen, I called his name.

His head suddenly darted up from a magazine "Yes?" he responded eagerly.

"You haven't had lunch yet have you?"

"No I haven't." His tone seemed to die down.

"I'll make you one of those sandwiches you loved last time!" His face lit up, and it seemed his stomach agreed as it let out a giant rumbling noise. Quickly I got to work, excited to show him the new setup I made, and to ask him all my questions. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2020 ⏰

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