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Error's POV

"Owww..." I don't know why I expected something soft. I could sure use a pile of pillows right now. I've gotta pay more attention when I make my portals. Should I ask Ink for some pillows? Nah. I already left. I'll just make myself a hammack. I'm exhausted.

~Meanwhile in the Doodlesphere~

Ink's POV

If only I hadn't pushed him so hard... No matter, I can continue this tomorrow. It was rather awkward, but wouldn't you assume that of a serial killer? He doesn't exactly have experience in the conversational field. I should write down some questions so that I don't waste my time tomorrow. Where did I put my journal? I should check my desk. Ah, here it is. Alright, numero uno, how do artificial souls work? Wait, does he have a clock? We didn't exactly set up a time to meet up. Maybe I should go ask him. Nah, I'll just pick him up tomorrow. Anyway, number two... What else does he do? He mentioned those dolls, though I didn't see anything else when I fell in. Does he even have a bed, or a house for that matter? I don't want to stick around in the antivoid and see for myself. I wonder if he'll be comfortable coming to my house again. Perhaps a more open space would suit his needs. For now I don't have too many questions on my mind so I guess I can start on that as a project...

Narrator's POV

Ink took out a second notebook that seemed to be much less used. He uses a lot of paper and has quite a few sketch books filled up, though this is one of his newer ones. Ink had a few ideas of what he was going to arrange for his meeting. His favorite one so far was a sort of picnic. He could set up a tree with chairs hanging from the branches. The chairs would have a string like structure that Ink thought Error would like. In between the chairs there would be an outdoor table that they could put lunch on. Ink thought that lunch would probably be a good excuse for Error to stay a while. It was settled, Ink would set up a nice field for them to have a picnic. Immediately he got to work in a space nearby his house.

~Le time skip to around noon the next day~

Checking the time through a window to Undertale, Ink found that he finished with barely enough time to invite Error over for lunch. He almost forgot about the whole thing while he was engrossed in his work. Ink took only a second to marvel at his work, knowing he didn't have the time to rest. While it was satisfying to see his hard work amount to a beautiful scene, it would be even more satisfying to see it put to use, and better yet to find the answers to his questions about Error.

Ink's POV

Plopping myself down, I opened a window to the Anti Void. Surprisingly I found Error lying on an expertly made hammock still sleeping. His face was bold against the vast emptiness of the void. Soft against a harsh white light. "cute..." I caught myself staring at him, but not in intimidation or even wonder, but pure adoration. "I have more important things to get to!" I verbally reminded myself. I quickly closed the portal and fell onto my back. It isn't weird to stare at him in such a situation though, right? It is a refreshing break from everything else there...  A break sounds nice... That's right, I'm just tired! I suppose if he can't tell the time, then he wouldn't even know if I waited a while. Yeah, I deserve a break! It wouldn't hurt anyone if I took a little nap... For a moment I hung onto those words in contemplation, but inevitably fell asleep. I was exhausted, and the softness of the grass I created sure didn't help me stay awake.

Sweet dreams~

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