Chapter 1.1 - Trixie's POV

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Just as I was slowly opening my eyes, I heard my bedroom door open and my mom's voice whisper, 'Come on Trixie, get ready for school before Dad wakes up,'

I smiled wanly in response and dragged myself out of bed, rubbing the sleep dust from my eyes. Mom smiled and left the room, closing the door behind her quietly.

I struggled with the decision of what to wear but eventually chose a pink tank top and some blue jeans. Knowing I was probably running out of time, I put on my makeup, fixed my hair and quickly put on a pink sweatshirt as I'd suddenly gotten cold.

Perhaps I was just nervous of my dad waking up but I didn't dwell on the matter too much as I needed to leave for high school. I had just transferred a couple months ago but I was still trying to make a good impression, so I didn't want to be late.

I tried to tiptoe downstairs quietly but I tripped at the bottom.

'Fuck' I whispered. Then I turned around and Dad's enraged face was looming above me, the veins standing out in his forehead and his teeth clenched. My heart was pounding underneath my sweatshirt, but I was determined not to cry.

'What did I tell you about being so heavy footed around the house, you fat b*tch?' He hissed. My eyes blurred and filled with tears, and I started shaking.

'Move then, crybaby,' he growled, pushing me against the wall and digging his fingers into my arms. I struggled, with tears streaming down my face, and managed to release myself from his grip.

Without hesitation, I grabbed my phone from the table and ran out the front door, with Dad still following me, Mom stood behind him with a sad look on her face because she didn't know how to help. Wiping my tears, I kept on running down the street and the front door faintly slammed behind me.

I must have been running for about ten minutes, when I turned sharply around a corner and ended up crashing straight into my best friend Pearl. I had forgotten we were supposed to meet at this spot. Quickly, I wiped my eyes again, forgetting this would spread my mascara everywhere.

'S'up,' chuckled Pearl. 'You certainly woke me up crashing into me like that. Here,' she offered me a hand because I was still on the floor. I smiled gratefully and pulled myself up, smoothing out my sweatshirt which was crumpled from the morning's events. Pearl looked me up and down properly for the first time and said softly, 'Girl, what happened to you?'

I didn't want to cry for a second time but I could already feel the tears coming. Pearl understood and pulled me into a warm, comforting hug, and I sobbed into her shoulder while she rubbed my back.

'I'll kill him.' She half whispered, half growled. 'I can't stand it.'

She pulled out of the hug and squeezed my hand, while I just looked at her sadly.

'I know.' I just about managed to whisper.

'Come on girl, we gotta get to school.' Pearl said softly.

'Yeah.' I smiled weakly. Pearl put her arm around me and we kept on walking down the street.

-Half an hour later-

Eventually we arrived at high school. Pearl had to go to class as soon as we arrived, so she gave me a quick hug before she ran off in her six-inch heels. I laughed fondly as I watched her go down the hallway. I turned around to go to my locker, and saw a flash of blonde hair across the hall.

This was Katya. I didn't know much about her other than that she was in the year above us, but wow, she was beautiful. I doubted she would ever want to talk to me though, we were total opposites.

She smiled and waggled her fingers in my direction, and sauntered off in her black Doc Martens.

I blinked, trying to process what had just happened. Had she just waved at me? Pink, girly, Trixie Mattel?

No Trixie. I said to myself. It was probably someone behind you, get a grip.

All matters aside, I really had to get to class. I didn't need anybody else shouting at me today. Really.


Katya's POV coming soon!

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