Chapter 4.1 - Trixie's POV

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A/N: This chapter is a bit longer than the previous ones! Sorry it has taken so long, I wanted it to be perfect :)


P.S: Thank you for over 200 reads <3

Walking behind Katya out of the bathroom, I still couldn't believe she had asked to hang out. Don't get too excited, I thought to myself, She probably just feels sorry for you.

'Hold on a second, I just need to put my makeup into my locker,' I told Katya.

'Sure thing,' she replied, and stopped walking to wait for me.

I didn't want to keep her waiting for too long, so I shoved the key into my locker and aimlessly dumped my makeup inside.

'Okay, lets go,' I said as I locked up and carried on walking.

Eventually we made it out of the school and were on our way down the street, when I finally questioned, 'Katya, what are we gonna do?'

'Well, I don't know about you but I'm fucking starving,' she laughed. 'I never got a chance to eat this morning.'

'Neither did I.' I suddenly recalled.

'Well, should we go to McDonald's?' offered Katya. 'I'm pretty sure the breakfast menu is still available at this time. And look, we're already right across the road from it.'

Looking up, I realised that she was right. As Katya sauntered across the road and I followed behind, I thought to myself, Snap out of it Trixie, you're finally spending time with Katya. This isn't something you want to forget!

During this train of thought I must have stopped in the middle of the road, as suddenly the sound of a car horn and screeching brakes deafened me. As a hand pulled me quickly to safety, I heard the driver yell 'My God, do you have a death wish?', as they continued their erratic journey down the road.

Still in shock from the sudden car horn, I turned around and was met with Katya's astonished face. Realising she was still holding my hand, I felt my face flush and she let go quickly, seeming embarrassed.

'Trixie, what happened?' Katya exclaimed, 'You just stopped in the middle of the road, you could have been seriously hurt! Are you alright?'

'Y-yeah I'm fine, just lost in thought I guess....' I stuttered, hating that she was upset.

'Well, thank goodness you're not hurt. Just never do that to me again okay?' She attempted to laugh it off but I could still sense her concern. It really seemed like she actually cared, even though we had only just started talking that day.

'I'm sorry,' was all I could say in return.

'It's okay,' Katya said, smiling. 'Anyway, let's go eat.'

I nodded, and as we continued crossing the road and walking towards McDonald's, she put her arm around me. Fuck. My heart was racing.

It was really quiet in McDonald's, just the morning regulars, so it was easy to find a table. We settled for a comfortable booth, rather than those awful plastic chairs.

'I don't know about you Trixie, but I can't stand those other chairs, my ass ends up so numb,' laughed Katya.

'I agree,' I grinned, as we sat down together, Katya sitting opposite me. I already missed her touch but I was trying not to think about it too much.

She doesn't like you and she never will, sniped that stupid little voice inside my head. Ignoring this the best I could, I reached into my shoulder bag, searching for my purse. Hearing Katya unzip her own purse and counting her money, I panicked and started emptying my bag out onto the table, which was stupid because all I had was my phone and my keys.

'You okay girl?' Katya had stopped what she was doing and was watching me quizzically.

'I'm such an idiot, I don't have my purse,' I said, getting more anxious.

'Hey, relax, its okay,' she smiled kindly, 'I'll pay. And don't worry about paying me back.'

'A-are you sure?' I half whispered, half stuttered as she stood up to go to the self service machine.

'Of course, Trixie, don't worry about it. My treat, right?' Katya grinned.

'Right.' I smiled shyly in return. I loved her smile.

As Katya went off to order the food, I dumped my keys back into my bag and checked my phone. Shit, I thought as I read the battery level, 23%.

Holding the button at the side of my phone, the 'Shut Down' option lit up the screen, and I tapped it, then I quickly shoved my phone back into my bag.

The faint sound of children's hyperactive squeals met my ears, coming from the other side of the fast-food restaurant. I smiled to myself, remembering the few times I had been allowed into the play area when I was small. Before Dad changed.

'Hey, daydreamer,' Suddenly my bubble of reminiscent thoughts burst and an overflowing tray of breakfast food clattered onto the table. Katya grinned at my surprised expression and stated, 'I wasn't sure what you would want to eat so I just thought, fuck it, let's have a bit of everything,'

I couldn't help but laugh, and responded cheerfully, 'Well then, we'd better get stuck in!'

We ate and talked for what felt like forever, so I was super grateful I hadn't chosen to wear my skinniest jeans that day. I got so full that I was tempted to undo my jeans, but I didn't want to embarrass myself or for Katya to think I was weird.

'My God, I feel fucking pregnant,' Katya groaned. 'Hope you don't mind, but I'm gonna undo my jeans a little so I can actually breathe.'

I grinned shyly and replied, 'Go ahead, I was gonna do that too,'

As we both unbuttoned our jeans, we simultaneously exhaled. At this we looked each other and both burst out laughing. We were totally food drunk.

'We should probably make a move soon, before it gets busy in here.' Katya exhaled, massaging her stomach and sitting up slightly.

'Yeah, you're right. I hate when it gets so packed in here.', I sighed, sitting up and putting my bag over my shoulder.

'Me too,' said Katya as she stood up, stretching a little. 'Ready to go?' she enquired.

'Ready when you are,' I spoke, as I stood up and picked up our tray, littered with boxes and wrappers. A staff member saw how full our tray was, and rushed over.

'I'll take that for you,' they offered.

'Thank you so much,' I replied gratefully, leaving them with the tray as I rushed off to catch up with Katya, who was waiting by the exit.

'Let's go on a walk,' she grinned.

'I'd love that.' I smiled, feeling myself blush but not caring.

Today was so much better than I thought it would be.


(Katya's POV coming soon!) <3

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