Chapter 4.2 - Katya's POV

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It's been a hot minute since I updated this. So sorry it has taken so long! Hope you enjoy it anyhow. (over 1k words so get some snacks ready XD)

I was quite surprised that Trixie had said yes to hanging out, since we hardly knew each other yet. Pushing the bathroom door open, I walked out, Trixie not far behind. I felt really excited, wondering what the day held for us. 'Calm down Katya,' teased the voice inside my head. 'You're just hanging out as friends.'

Suddenly my thought bubble burst, as I heard Trixie say, 'Hold on a second, I just need to put my makeup into my locker.'

'Sure thing,' I responded, and stopped to wait for her. I expected her to put her makeup away in an orderly fashion since she owned so much of it, but she just dumped it in her locker. 'Maybe she's worried about keeping me waiting.' I thought to myself.

'Okay, lets go,' said Trixie as she closed her locker, and we continued down the corridor together.

Eventually we made it out of the school and were on our way down the street, when Trixie enquired, 'Katya, what are we gonna do?'

'Well, I don't know about you but I'm fucking starving,' I chuckled. 'I never got a chance to eat this morning.'

'Neither did I.' realised Trixie.

'Well, should we go to McDonald's?' I suggested. 'I'm pretty sure the breakfast menu is still available at this time. And look, we're already right across the road from it.'

Trixie looked up suddenly, as if she had just snapped out of a daydream, and started following me across the road. Assuming Trixie was right behind me, I carried on crossing the road, when suddenly a car horn deafened us, the brakes squealing like a pig about to be slaughtered. Quickly, I grabbed Trixie's hand from behind me and pulled her to safety, my heart racing. The driver yelled a mouthful of abuse, and sped off down the road without stopping to see if we were okay. Looking down, I realised I was still holding Trixie's hand. I let go, feeling my face flush.

'Trixie, what happened?' I exclaimed, 'You just stopped in the middle of the road, you could have been seriously hurt! Are you alright?'

'Y-yeah I'm fine, just lost in thought I guess....' she whispered. She looked awfully upset. 'What if she thought I was mad at her?'

'Well, thank goodness you're not hurt. Just never do that to me again okay?' I tried to laugh it off, like I do with anything serious, but I guess nothing could wipe the look of anxiety from my face. After all, I really did care about Trixie, even though we hardly knew each other yet.

'I'm sorry,' whispered Trixie.

'It's okay,' I smiled gently. 'Anyway, let's go eat.'

Trixie nodded forlornly, and as we continued crossing the road and walking towards McDonald's, I put my arm around her. I wasn't sure whether this was the right thing to do but she seemed to relax at my touch.

Mornings at the local McDonalds were often quiet, so it wasn't too hard to find a seat. We unanimously decided on a small booth, since we didn't want to sit on those terrible plastic chairs.

Trixie was looking a little sad again so in an attempt to lighten the mood, I laughed, 'I don't know about you Trixie, but I can't stand those other chairs, my ass ends up so numb.'

'I agree,' she smiled shyly, as we took off our bags and sat down.

We were now sitting opposite each other in the booth. I thought about the moment we had just shared, walking into McDonalds together, my arm around Trixie, protecting her.

'Snap out of it!' hissed the voice in my head. 'You're already being so possessive over her!'

In an attempt to remove these thoughts from my head, I got my purse out from my bag to count my money. To my surprise there was a wad of cash in there from one of Adore's last gigs. I was about to tell Trixie about this when her phone and keys clattered onto the table, and she looked panic stricken, not for the first time that day.

'You okay girl?' I asked gently.

'I'm such an idiot, I don't have my purse,' breathed Trixie. I felt so bad for her.

'Hey, relax, its okay,' I said kindly, 'I'll pay. And don't worry about paying me back.' I hoped this would help her calm down, she seemed to have had a bad enough day already.

'A-are you sure?' Trixie ventured, as I got up out of the booth.

'Of course, Trixie, don't worry about it. My treat, right?' I grinned.

'Right.' she smiled. The smile lit up her entire face, and I noticed she had an adorable dimple. I turned away quickly before she could see me blush.

The only problem about the booth we had chosen is that it was so fucking far away from the self service machines. Feeling the hunger, I stopped at the nearest machine and opened the breakfast menu. There were so many options, more than I remembered. I felt myself drooling over the choices. I had no idea what Trixie would want to eat, and even though I wasn't normally a food person, I was ravenous. I ordered every item once, and clicked 'Pay'.

Fuck. I thought to myself. $38 on McDonalds? That's insane. I took my receipt over to the till assuming the staff would think me crazy for ordering so much, but the young girl at the till didn't even bat an eyelid. Whilst waiting for our order, I wondered how Trixie was doing. Most likely lost in thought again.

'Order 36?' A staff member called out. 'That was fast!' I thought.

'Thank you so much,' I said gratefully as I stepped forward to collect our food. Slowly, I made my way back to our booth. The tray was super heavy. And sure enough, Trixie was in another of her trances.

'Hey, daydreamer,' I teased as I landed the tray on the table, making a rather loud noise. Grinning, I admitted, 'I wasn't sure what you would want to eat so I just thought, fuck it, let's have a bit of everything,'

Trixie couldn't hold in her smile, and responded happily, 'Well then, we'd better get stuck in!' Privately, I was happy that my wild choice had gotten such a positive reaction.

It felt like we had sat there for hours, just eating and talking. Trixie, about her friends Max and Pearl, me about Adore's success as a music star. It turned out that Trixie had actually heard Adore's music already, which surprised me. As I became more and more full of food, I realised I had chosen to wear my skinniest jeans that day. Obviously I hadn't had this food fest in mind at the time. There was only one thing for it.

'My God, I feel fucking pregnant,' I exhaled. 'Hope you don't mind, but I'm gonna undo my jeans a little so I can actually breathe.'

Trixie looked both relieved and amused. She replied, 'Go ahead, I was gonna do that too.'

As we both unbuttoned our jeans, we exhaled simultaneously. At this we just burst out laughing. Trixie had such an adorable laugh. I just sounded like an asthmatic.

'We should probably make a move soon, before it gets busy in here.' I sighed, massaging my stomach and slowly sitting up.

'Yeah, you're right. I hate when it gets so packed in here.', Trixie responded, sitting up and putting her bag over her shoulder.

'Me too,' I agreed, as I stretched and stood up. 'Ready to go?' I asked.

'Ready when you are,' Trixie confirmed, as she stood up and picked up our tray, littered with boxes and wrappers. A staff member saw how full our tray was, and came over.

'I'll take that for you,' they offered.

'Thank you so much,' she replied gratefully, leaving them with the tray. I was already waiting by the exit, so she sped walk over to catch up with me.

'Let's go on a walk,' I offered.

'I'd love that.' blushed Trixie.

Today was going to be great.


I know some people were waiting for this so here it is finally! Chapter 5 will come out as soon as I can write it :D

-The Author

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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