Another Apology

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Shadow thought of an idea, a poem maybe? Rouge always said he had a way with words. I can write him a poem for forgiveness, and get him a new chili dog, perhaps.

Shadow took out a piece of paper and began to jot down ideas for his poem. There was a bunch of erasing ideas and putting down new ones, it was a coincidence that there was a hole in the paper. But, eventually Shadow finished and re-read it twice.
Shadow knocked on Sonic's bedroom door and he heard a thump. He twitched his ears as he waited. He heard Sonic's voice. "Who is it?" Shadow got an idea of impersonating someone to get Sonic to open the door, since Sonic would not open the door to Shadow, because when Sonic is angry at someone, he won't talk to them or let them into his room. He decided to do an impression of Knuckles to fool Sonic into opening the door.

"It's uh.. me, Knux!" He cleared his throat. A shuffling was heard and Sonic opened the door with a smile, which faded once he saw Shadow. "Oh, I never ordered betrayal." Sonic tried to shut the door, but Shadow stuck his shoe in the space between the wall and the door. "Wait, I want to apoligize." Sonic opened the door fully and stared at Shadow with crossed arms. "Fine."

Shadow took a breath. "I was a jerk to you ever since we met, and that's something I'll always regret. You tried to be nice to me but I just pushed you away. Even on my worse days, you were the one who checked to see if I was okay. I may be dark, cold, and heartless, but what I did hurt you, and I'm sorry for that too. So, Sonic the Hedgehog, I'm coming to say, sorry for what I've done." Shadow finished, seeing Sonic wipe a tear from his eyes. "That was beautiful, Shadz." Sonic said, looking at Shadow. "Look, I'm sorry too. I never should've said I hated you. I don't hate you, you're like a second brother to me." Sonic apologized, scratching the back of his head.
"I forgive you, Sonic."
"I forgive you too, Shadow."

Sonic and Shadow gave each other a brofist. Sonic smiled warmly at Shadow, and Shadow smiled back.

They were brothers again.

(Sorry if the poem is cheesy, it was something I thought off the top of my head ^^")

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