When the Author joins the chat

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GreenHillRun has added Mello to the chat.

GreenHillRun: Guys, remember when I said we need to include everyone? So. I added the author of this book.

Rosebuds: *fanfiction

Mello: Why do I have to be in this? I have more important things to do than this.

GreenHillRun: Like what? I thought your life was empty and boring or something like that.

Mello: I have- nevermind... that's fair and also ouch, that was harsh. I also need to work on my other fanfics... >:/

InfinityStones: Ha! You just got roasted by Sonic!

Mello: Says the person who got salty just because Shadow called you weak.

InfinityStones: I-

Mello: Sonic got called weak by Shadow many times, but did he try to destroy the planet? No, he didn't.

InfinityStones: Thanos help me bro

Mello: Thanos can't help ya. You're on your own buddy.

Meeoow: ......?

De-press-ion: *internally screaming*

Mello: Same

De-press-ion: Asdskjkl

DetectiveVector: Guys, stop spamming my phone. I'm trying to sleep.

De-press-ion: Just turn off your phone, ya dumbass.

DetectiveVector: Bitch.

DetectiveVector has left the chat.

Mello: Anyone else want to insult me on my life?

Silvurr: Do you wear hoodies because you're always cold?

Mello: No. I just like them. I don't really like short sleeved shirts because I don't like people to see my arms.

Silvurr: Oh.

De-press-ion: I have crippling depression-

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