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Psycho's POV

Hey my name is Psycho and I'm a badass. I'm 18 years old. I'm also fucking crazy. Haha. I have green hair, blue eyes, I'm white, skinny, and I'm 5'4 so I'm short and I guess I have a big chest and butt. I live with my dad because my whore of a mother ran off with another guy. After my dad caught her cheating on him. I never really liked my mom I have always been a daddies girl. My dad taught me everything I know, he taught me how to fight, and race, and we are also in a Gang called 'The Wolves' my dad is the leader. When my dad steps down I will be the next leader.

I have a best friend her name is Bree. She is also 18. She has blonde hair, green eyes, she is white, skinny, and she is 5'4 so she is also short and she has a big chest and butt. We grew up together so we are basically sisters. She is also in the Gang. She is a spy.

I have been suspended 15 times and expelled 25 times. I guess it's "Bad" to prank a teacher or whatever. I live in Los Angeles and it sucks because you have people who think they rule the world. So you need people like me to put them in their places.

Dylan's POV

Sup my name is Dylan and I'm a bad boy and I'm 19. I'm in a Gang called 'The Blood Devils' and I'm the leader.

      I have black hair and brown eyes and I'm tan. I have a eight pack and I'm also 6'5 so I tower over a lot of people.

      You are probably wondering were my dad is . Well he died from cancer. My dad was the best dad in the world he loved his family more then anything in the world. When my dad died it hit my mom hard and she locked her self in her room for weeks. She never remarried any other guy after he passed she told me that "Your dad was my first and will be my last husband. No man could replace him" and she stuck by that.

      I have a little sister her name is Grace and she is 17. She is shy.

      I have a best friend named Tommy. He's 19. He has brown hair, green eyes, tan skin, also has a eight pack, also 6'5. He is in my gang. We are the bad boys of our school.

The Badasses and The Bad BoysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora