× marking ×

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I felt someone pick me up and set me down on a bed covering me up and closing a door

2 hours later

I woke up into a unfamiliar bed..
You: hello..
All my senses came in at once and I smelled hot water and the shower running
(Hot water has a scent I'm not crazy you are)
Then the water stopped and the door opened up to shirtless Ryder..
Ryder: oh your awake
You: uh yea..
He walked off to the dresser thought I just found out was there and as he was just looking through the dresser just drops his fucking towel like what the fuck I'm right here I hide under the blankets not wanting to see anything I don't wanna see

Ryder: you can look now
You: are you sure cause you just dropped your fucking towel in front of me
Ryder: and it won't be the last
You: what?!
Ryder: anyway come downstairs when your done eye raping me
You: whats the tattoo on your arm and back mean?
Ryder: a lot of things
You: like what?
Ryder: it has something to do with my job I guess you could say
With that he left the room
Ryder: what
You: you forgot a shirt
Ryder: mm no I didn't I walk around here with no shirt cause the maids get distracted and it funny
You: of course it is
He walked out again
(Btw when I do these little () that means it the author but anyway Ryder is wearing black jeans with chains on them)
I went through Ryder's and didn't find anything interesting other then condoms but those aint gonna be used on me so I could care less I went to the bathroom fixing my bralette and shirt and went down stairs to see a lot of men in suits and maids in oversized gray shirts and gray pants both made out of flimsy material

I poke on of the guards and they start yelling at me to get back to cleaning or in the stall
I was so confused he then grabbed my arm forcefully I screamed in pain and started crying I was so confused and scared until he froze and I heard a click
???: let her go now
??: but boss she's not in her proper clothing and she's not cleaning I was taking her to the the dungeon
??? : I don't care I said put her down I will not hesitate to shoot your fucking head
He threw me off making me fall to the ground and I get up run to the nearest corner and cry
??? : don't fucking touch her again got it?
?? : yes s-sir

Everything broke silence while I was quietly sobbing in a corner scared for my life I should've brought my holster but I didn't I'm so stupid I cried harder wanting something or someone to comfort me and soon I felt somebody pick me up and sit me down on a black couch I sobbed harder knowing there's no where I can feel safe except at home
I hears a door open and I flinched hiding under the blanket tucked into the couch

They soon rubbed my back calming me down a little bit
?? : Ali, are you ok?
You: n-no I'm not okay who is it?
Ryder: it's Ryder your gonna be ok I know your confused but I promise I'll tell you soon what all of this means
You moved around the couch and laid your head down on Ryder's lap and he played with your hair until you fell asleep..

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