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You: I highly doubt that,
Ryder: no I really do miss you
You: do you though?
Ryder: yes
You: are you sure cause I don't think-
He cuts me off by smashing his lips against mine taking me by surprise I try and pull away but it doesn't work he pulls away jumping over my table that parted us kissing me back again lifting me on top of my desk I pull away and he puts out foreheads together
Ryder: Alicia Jones, I genuinely missed you I don't know how the fuck told you I could care less but I cared a fucking lot, I tried everything to get back to you to see why and if you were okay, you scared me.. and I don't get scared I went almost crazy until I found one lead and that was Brenley's  tablet I thought it was just a roommate until I found out I had a daughter, I'm still in shock about that she looks exactly like you acts like she owns the world and braver then ever, she almost killed my second in command
You: she knows when to stop
Ryder: I know, I miss you and I wish you would come back but I know that won't be easy cause you are stubborn as hell and the whole time you would be insulting me and some of them would want me to just fuck the living life out of you while others would want me to just pop you right in the head but only 1 of them I would do
You: let's try none of them last time you tried the first time it was weak, sloppy and you had a little demon run around killing everyone
Ryder: ouch-
I shrugged and he pulled me closer to him on the table and hugged me
Ryder: we can do the first one some other day not today though pretty sure my daughter made me have no more daughters
You: she also knows acupuncture so she could probably tell you a way to get rid of the pain not show you were cause I swear to God if you touch her like that I WILL put a bullet through you head.multiple.bullets.until I think your dead
Ryder: I would never I may have hookers in my basement but I wouldn't do that to my own kid
You: good-
Just then my office door breaks down with someone holding Brenley with a gun pointed to her head

You: dad..

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