× lost ×

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Ryder: cause she's my daughter, she knows how to fight, she needs to be safe
You: you want her because she can fight off your second in command? Cause she's your daughter? Let's go back to when you said you NEVER wanted kids you said if I was pregnant you would leave me Ryder so I left so you didn't have to, you knew somewhere in that dumb ass head of yours I was pregnant..
I let out a sigh wiping my watering eyes away
You: she is perfectly safe here, she has been for 4 years, she doesn't need you Ryder she doesn't even need me.. If I left her somewhere she would grow up perfectly fine but I'm not gonna do that cause I actually love her but of course you can't love any one you never loved me you had sex with me didn't bother pulling out and I left all because of you, this wouldn't have happened if you would just listen
Ryder: i-
You: no don't say sorry or anything, sorry isn't going to fix 4 years of my life nothing will, the first year I wanted to know if you would care that I was gone but from what I heard you said you could care less that's when I put myself through hell in back for 3 years, teaching Brenley everything she knows but what I've taught her she can't go to school or she'll probably tell everyone that her daddy kills people for fun and tries kidnapping his own child, Ryder there's no fixing this or whatever we had you had your chance you hit it and left now that you have a kid it completely changes everything? I don't think so
Ryder: your cute when your mad at me
I sigh and shake my head
You: Ryder, your daughter has always questioned about you and I always tell her what I knew she said she hated you and she said she loved you to herself every night at 12:34 I feel her get out of bed every night at that time not a minute late or early and she'll sit on the patio and talk to the moon saying when she sees her daddy he will be so excited to see her and on her birthday she stays out there for 10 hours talking to moon to let her see her daddy and how he won't reject her for being they way she is, on her 4th birthday she sat outside and the triangle popped up on her arm she freaked out at first until I told her you had the same one
Ryder: huh..
You: you can visit you can do whatever but you can not take her out of my sight or this house
Ryder: why?
You: because I said so and you will listen to me
Ryder: fine, but when she grows up what are we gonna do?
You: nothing, absolutely nothing she's gonna live in her own world
He groans running his hand through his hair shaking his head
Ryder: this is all to much
You: your telling me
Ryder: other then the fact I'm a dad let's talk about us
You: what about us?
Ryder: I miss you Ali..
You: miss me for the sake of your mafia or miss me for a rag doll you can fuck around with and throw to the curb?
Ryder: neither
You: I highly doubt that

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