My First Day

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It was Sunday evening, I had no appetite, it was the day before my first day at work.

That didn't seem to matter though, I couldn't shake the kiss with julian off.
"He really likes me" I said to myself.

"How could someone like him, like a low life waste of space like me?", I asked myself.

I managed to make myself a sandwich and took a shower.

After the shower I checked my phone. There were 18 missed calls from Julian and 34 messages.

The last message said " if I made u sad, I'm sorry please forgive me, I really like you and u make me do crazy stuff"

"This guy has only known me for less than a week, how can he like me, he doesn't even know how much of a piece of shit I am." I thought to myself.

"Does he even know that was my first kiss with a guy?" I thought to myself.

Standing there I had a memory

*** 4 years ago***
I was in my college dorm watching a movie on youtube (yes there are movies on youtube, and I didn't have Netflix). There was a scene in the love in which two guys kissed. In jamaica the guys would usually skip the gay scenes as a sign of heterosexuality, however I thought I was alone so I watched the scene as these scenes helped me a lot.

My roommate saw that I was watching scene and so he told all the guys on the dorm.

They all held a meeting with the aim of evicting me from boarding "because batty man fi dead".

I was in my room and I was on the verge of falling asleep when I heard the door open, about 50 guys ran in with bags containing stones, shoes, wood and batteries and began beating me in the head and back.

I started bleeding from the back of my head and that's when they decided to stop.

I couldn't report this to the authorities at school as they wouldn't care about the queer.

I couldn't tell my parents either.

**I dropped phone as I was coming back to reality***

I couldn't fall asleep as I nervous for my first day and I couldn't stop thinking about Julian.

I managed to fall asleep at about 3:00am.

My Alarm went off at about 6:30 am.

"Do I really need this job?", I thought to myself as I got put of bed.

I took a shower and made a sandwich for breakfast.

I got everything in order for work.

I got dressed and was ready for work at about 8:00am.

I wanted to get thru the halls without seeing Julian.

It was like he was waiting for me because as soon as I opened the door, he was standing there.

"Hey adonis.", he said shyly

"Hey, julian" I replied, without making eye contact.

"First day huh", he said awkwardly.

"Yeah.", I replied without emotion.

"I could give you a ride if you want", he said with a very flirtatious look on his face.

"No thank you" I replied.

"Okay, see you around Adonis", he said as he entered the elevator.

I decided to take the stairs because I didn't like the elevator, I have never used one before in my life.

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