A New Chapter

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Please be advised that this chapter contains mature content so readers' discretion is advised.

--- It was now the last Monday in July and also my last Monday at work ---

I brought my letter to the HR department and then went to Andre's office.

I am happy with my boyfriend and all but I won't lie, I like Andre. He gives me a lot of attention and he cares.
I like him a lot, but he's just a friend right now, well he's my boss.

"Hey Adonis.", he said as he looked up from his computer.

"Hey, I need to talk you.", I said as I took a seat.

"Sure", he said with a smile.

"How can i tell him I'm going to resign without him getting mad, he liked having me around because I'm one of his best employees. I hope I don't disappoint him.", I thought to myself.

" I'm resigning.", I said nervously

"I've heard, why though?" He replied.

"Wtf, how did he hear?", I thought to myself

"How did you know that?", I asked.

"New travels quickly around here.", he said as he chuckled.

I then told him my plans and the reason for which I'm resigning.

I was about to leave the office and return to my station when he said "if you ever need anything, call me."

"Sure.", I instinctively replied.

"Look at the upside, I'm no longer your boss so we could... you know.", he said with a mischievous grin.

"Maybe... maybe not.", I said flirtatiously as I left his office.

The week went by quite uneventfully, with only highlights being the blow jobs I've given Julian in his car, his bed, the laundry room, the lobby and all other places we have been

--- It was now Friday, my last day of work ---

Julian drove me to work, his car is heavily tinted so persons in the outside cannot see the inside.

At every red light I'd do something sexual. At one red light i jerked him off at another I gave him a blowjob.

He loved this as it was building our relationship, while were pleasing each other.

I arrived at work at 8:25.

I made out with Julian in the car for about 5 minutes and then sent him on his was to school.

It then hit me that this is my last day at work.
My last day in the office with Issa's crazy ass, and Jaad's hoe ass.

It was my last day with Andre.

I felt sad l, but I was also happy.

I finally made authentic friends in a matter of weeks.

I walked into the lobby and then I decided to take the elevator.

"There was a point in time when I was afraid of the elevator, but I rode one with my boyfriend for the first.", I thought to myself.

The elevator door opened.

"SuRPriSeeeeEEE!!!!!!!!", my coworkers yelled.

Everyone was wearing party hats and there was cake and a banner that said farewell Adonis.

I saw Jaad and Issa with a bottle of vodka.

They then whispered " tell no one about this"

I saw Andre with a cupcake.

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