Let Go - Angst/Fluff

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I trailed my fingers over the purple material of the collar in my lap. It was worn out, a little frayed, and discolored. The metal tags jingled lightly against the metal clasp every time I moved it.

The rain poured around me, but I didn't even mind. I couldn't care; I couldn't bring myself to.

I sat in front of her grave, looking at the homemade gravestone. 'Beloved Maxie. My heart holds a paw print shaped hole that only yours will fit.'

It's been a year since my dog had passed away, but it felt like just yesterday I was taking her to the vet to get put to sleep. I knew she wasn't in pain anymore. She'd be able to run around on the Rainbow Bridge, something she'd lost the ability to do her last few weeks on Earth.

The rain around me stopped pouring down on me, and I looked up to see my boyfriend standing above me with an umbrella.

"Come on, baby. It's too cold for you to be out here in the rain," Spencer said, offering me his hand.

I just turned my head and looked back at the grave, fingering the collar in my lap. "She would've been out here playing in it." I looked down at my muddy jeans. "She woulda been the one getting my pants all muddy."

Spencer squatted down next to me, setting his hand on my shoulder. "I know, sweetheart."

I laughed through my tears. "She woulda jumped around and ran around for about five minutes before begging to go back inside. I'd have to wipe off her paws because I couldn't let her get the house all muddy."

Spencer had never gotten to meet my dog. She passed away before I'd started dating him. He knew I had her, but I just didn't get to bring him around before she died.

"And she's okay now," he whispered to me. "She's playing up on the Rainbow Bridge with your two cats."

I knew that the Rainbow Bridge was just a story. A story that I knew to be absolutely bullshit, but yet it still helped calm me down. It made me feel just that much better.

"Rainbow Bridge....?"

Spencer smiled softly at me. "Yeah, the Rainbow Bridge. You know about it."

I shook my head, and Spencer didn't bother pointing out my lie. "Tell me about it...?"

"There's this Rainbow Bridge, you see. People walk on it to get from earth to heaven. And people, well, they just walk right across. They have somewhere to be," he started out quietly, but loud enough over the pattering rain on the umbrella. "But it's big and beautiful. It's a wonderful place to be. The animals, on the other hand, they stay there because they don't really have a place to go. They stay on the Rainbow Bridge to make new friends and find old ones, playing and enjoying their time. They stay there for a long, long time until they see their people walk by. That's when they leave the Rainbow Bridge behind and walk to heaven with their people, running along their legs."

I smiled softly, wiping my cheeks even though fresh tears wet them again. "So Maxie's up on the Rainbow Bridge now...?"

"Of course she is."

"Is she in pain...? Does she remember her pain...?" I asked, trailing my eyes back down to the collar.

"Oh, love, no. No. She's just as healthy as she was in her prime years. She won't remember anything bad. It's a rainbow, after all. Good things always happen on and under rainbows. She's only going to remember the good and play with her friends until you walk by," Spencer said, getting me to finally stand.

I kept staring down at her grave. "Won't she miss her friends?"

"On the Rainbow Bridge? Oh no, she won't. She won't because she knows that she'll see them again once their humans walk by. She's okay, and she would want you to be, too."

Spencer pulled me close to his chest. I blew a kiss to the grave and clutched the collar right against my chest. I finally allowed him to take me inside.

"We'll get you dried up and then we can cuddle on the couch. We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, but I'll listen to any stories you want to tell me," he said, leading me through the front door. "Even if I have to listen to them all over again."

I missed her and a part of me would always have that paw print shaped hole only she could fill. But one day I'd see her again and until then, I could only share stories and celebrate her memory.

Hey y'all. I wrote this because I lost my dog a year ago today. I'm also sobbing while writing this so I'm truly sorry if Spencer is out of character and the spelling. I'll fix it later...

Spencer Reid x Male Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now