Race you - UsUk

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The blonde sat up letting out a coarse sigh, rushing his hand through his messy and unkept hair. He let out a soft mumble of curse words before settling back into his blankets, nestling into the mound of blankets keeping him warm and if it wasn't for the pain in his head he might've actually gone to sleep in comfort and had a nice rest but instead, he endured the loud bangs around his brain as his tired eyes watched the room around him and his body clicked with energy despite him not having any.

He groaned, turning over again before huddling further into his pile of blankets. It was going to be a long night.


Alfred let out a soft groan as he rolled out of bed, picking his blanket up off the floor which must have dropped in his sleep. He rubbed his eyes with the palm of his hand before stretching and letting out a small yawn. Alfred let out a smile as he checked the clock, 8.42am, perfect. That meant he had time to get to work early and then he could finally boast to England that , in fact, he too, could be punctual. He let out a small laugh changing into his usual clothes and skimming a comb through his blonde hair before pulling in his boots and rushing downstairs to eat. The american quickly pulled out a burger from his fridge which he saved for special occasions like today. He was going to beat Arthur. America let out a small laugh at the thought of seeing the others red face, saying something along the lines of, "You bloody git! I'm usually the early one."

And then he'd reply with, "I'm the hero! Heroes have to be early in case of emergency!"

Alfred grinned to himself as he drove to the meeting place held in his country for once, unaware of the sadness he would face when he arrived at work.


England let out a small yawn, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand as he sat up, before stretching and getting out of bed slowly. He let out a small sigh of relief from the night finally being over as he saw the light from sun outside take over, what time was it?

7.18am, he's slightly later than usual but he'd be okay. He smiled sadly as he looked at himself in the mirror, face tainted with freckles and deep bags of black beneath his eyes and a bruise forming on his chin.

"Guess I'll just have to do more than usual this time," Arthur sighed, unzipping his bag and taking out a special brush, lightly patting it against his forehead and jaw before blending it in and darkening it just below his cheek bone as well as using his concealer stick to hide his freckles and then finally adding a bit of blush and slight mascara for his lashes. He looked back to himself with a small smile, happy with how he looked now that he'd made a few changes. Quickly, he pulled on his polo shirt and black trousers, tucking them in neatly before pulling on a red vest and his black tie, tightening it against his shirts collar before looking back at himself and putting on his black converse shoes. He nodded before pulling on his green parka and red-white scarf and leaving the house, walking energetically to the meeting place.

8.42am, he had another 10 minutes to walk and then out of nowhere he had the sudden urge to run.

As the clock ticked to 9am neither Arthur nor Alfred had arrived at the meeting place, he meeting didn't start till 10am anyways, but England liked to be early. Then it happened, he heard the honking of a car, and a shout of an excited American.

"Iggy! Dude, I'll race ya!"

"I don't agree to this, and my name's England or Arthur, not Iggy!"

"Aww But Iggy dude, you don't want to be known as a chicken, do you?"

"You know what screw you, Alfred. Race you, three, two, red light! Go!" Arthur picked up his speed running down a few alleyways as a shortcut, making a turn through the hedge, going round the park and along the main road before reaching the building where he stood comfortably in the door as he saw Alfreds car park hearing the other yell as he hid.

"Yes! I've beaten him for once!" America yelled bursting through the door before looking around the room, noticing the smirking blonde, packing away his coat and scarves.

"Maybe next time..."

"It was the red light!"

"Well, I'd say. Race you to the room."

Well, let's say Russia won to not cause arguments.

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