Don't leave - FrUk

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It was a dark stormy night as usual in Britain nowadays, he sky was filled with clouds of grey and the poor Frenchman was left to shiver in the doorway of the Brits house. He was only here because he had a sudden vision about the other being upset, and as a good potential love interest he decided to make sure everything was alright.

He knocked once or twice but apparently England was either out or asleep and he wished that he didn't have to do this. France sighed in defeat, his shoulders drooping low before pulling out his door kit so he could get in, it took him a few minutes but he finally got the door to open. He sighed with relief, feeling the warmth of the house as he stepped in, locking the door behind him before going to find England. France looked almost everywhere and then realised he must be asleep, so he went to find him in the others bedroom. As he opened the door, he could feel the uneasiness creeping over him, before his eyes landed on the shivering sleeping form, hidden by blankets.

"Angleterre?" A soft whisper as he stepped closer into the room, the only light coming from the slightly open door as he crept closer to see what was happening to his friend. He kneeled on the edge of the bed, watching the other stiffen and then turn around, tears brimmed the others eyes.

"Oh my-"

"Francis? What the bloody hell are you doing here?"

"What?" Francis paused before continuing, "You're crying."

"Yes. I- Yes, I am."

"But why?"

England sat up, the covers falling down leaving his bare chest exposed and he shivered ever so slightly before moving his head to look at the other, "It's okay."

"En- Arthur. Talk to me."

"No, it's okay."



"It's not okay."

Arthur looked down at his hands and then turning to look out the window where the storm had calmed a bit, "It isn't?"

"No, it's not okay." Francis edged closer to the other, sitting next to him and watching the others brows furrow in confusion, "So tell me what's wrong."

Arthur chuckled lightly, letting out a small sob between laughs before speaking, "It's not okay, I don't feel good. Nothing is ever good. I'm supposed to be the personification of Great Britain, yet, I'm not great in the slightest, Francis. I'm stupid, useless, ugly and I'm a loner."

Arthur closed his eyes again laying against the other, "The worlds going to end soon and there's nothing I can do about it except watch us all die. We're all gonna die and it's all my fault, Francis."

"Continue," Francis said, pulling the other closer and hugging him, "How's it your fault?"

"Stupid politicians cause stupid wars. I don't want a war. I DON'T WANT TO LOSE ANYONE ELSE! I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE! I DONT WANT- I don't- I- just..."

Arthur cried harder, Francis rubbing gentle circles along his back as the other hugs him. Arthur lay in the others lap, against his chest softly sniffing until he started giggling randomly.



"What's so funny?"

Arthur smiled again, "Everyone thinks you're such a pervert but-" Arthur paused to laugh at the idea again, "You're not perverted at all. You're probably one of the best people I know. I- I love you."

Francis smirked, kissing the top of Arthur's head, "Oui, I love you too. Go to sleep."

"Don't leave."

"I won't- promise."

Authors Note
So, I have no idea where I was going with this one. I literally started writing r ages ago, forgot this account existed then realised lol.

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