Child!America x Reader

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(Y/n) smiled at the smell of nature and air as (s)he walked their dog. It was a nice day today, the sun was shining and the clouds were almost non existent, except their was still a slight breeze. (Y/n) looked across the dog park to see their dog licking a little boys hand, smiling, the (h/c) human walked over to the boy and dog.

"Hey! I'm Alfred! You're dog is very cute." The boy squealed petting their dog happily.

"Thank you, their name is (____), and I'm (Y/n)."

Alfred looked up at the human with his bright blue eyes, laughing lightly, "Can I walk your dog with you?"

"Huh? What about your parents?"

He looked confused before gasping, "Ohhh, you mean Artie? He's my brother, but he doesn't mind."

"Is he here? We have to ask first, you know?" (Y/n) says being responsible for once before getting arrested for kidnapping.

"Yeh, he's right there!" He pointed to a taller blonde man with sparkling green eyes, who was reading a book on a bench. Alfred grabs (Y/n)'s hand and drags her over to Arthur, "Artie! Look at my new friend!"

Arthur looks up curiously only to be surprised at the poor teenager being dragged by his little brother, "Oh my- Alfred let go of them."


"Sorry about Alfred, he gets excitable."

"No, no, it's okay! He was excited, that's fine. Actually I wanted to talk to you."

"Yeah! Artie- Can I walk their dog with them, please~?"

Arthur looks confused and shocked all at once, closing his mouth and furrowing his brows which Alfred almost burst out laughing at. "I suppose you seem nice enough."

(Y/n) hands their phone over to Arthur, "Can you insert your phone number? I doubt you'll leave this beautiful bench but just in case?"

"Oh right!" He hands the person his phone too and adds his number into (Y/n)'s phone.

"Who's a good doggy~?" You hear Alfred shouting happily at your dog and you can't help but to chuckle. Arthur smiles to as he sits back down, watching you whistle to your dog and Alfred and the dog come running over.

"Sit, (_____)." The dog sits and you put its leash on, handing it to Alfred, "Be careful, if he tugs tell him, no, okay?"

Alfred nods, happy with the task of walking the dog he's been given. After a few minutes of peaceful walking along the path, Alfred starts babbling about life at home and about anything he can think about, often getting distracted by the simplest subject.

"Hey Al?"

"Oh, yeah?"

You stop walking, putting your arm in front of Alfred to stop him from walking. That's it, you turned around plenty of times and made plenty of turns and shortcuts that no one else would take yet this guy won't seem to stop following you both. You pick up the dog and grab Alfreds hand, "Lets go home, son."

You say, Alfred looks confused but doesn't question it as you give him a look. You walk faster, urging you both forward and into a public road before going round the whole block and then finding a new entrance to the park. The man had gone. You let out a sigh of relief as the dog park was seen again.

"Sorry about the detour, Alfred."

"It's okay! I'm just confused..."

"There was someone following us, so I pretended you were my kid so they'd leave you alone."

"Oh! Thank you so much!" He hugged you before he spotted Arthur and ran towards him, to made sure to keep your eye on him  just in case something happened. You smiled, happy to make someone's day before walking home, your dog sure was tired.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2020 ⏰

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