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Lance arrives in California, he was sleeping most of the flight. When he wasn't sleeping he was watching movies and eating. When he arrived he got an Uber to his hotel, he was going to stay in one until he can afford a place of his own. His parents didn't want to pay for a house for him because they thought that he should earn the money for his house on his own. They did pay for his hotel stay and were willing to pay more until he got the house.

Keith woke up at 7:00 am that morning, he skateboarded until noon. He stopped when his mom called him in for lunch. After lunch he went back to skateboarding. He skateboarded past a beach and a surfer teaching young kids caught his eye.

Lance was the surfer, he already had his first client and it was his first day in California. He noticed the raven head looking at him but he just ignored it for now. Lance walked into the smoothie shop near the beach. He met up with his friends, Pidge and Hunk. They moved to California after freshman year so Lance was excited to see them again.

Keith noticed that Lance walked into the smoothie shop and he went in as well. He got in line for a smoothie and kind of checked Lance out when he was talking with his friends. Pidge noticed immediately that someone was checking her friend out. She looked at Keith and chuckled and then looked to Lance. "Hey Lance that guy over there is checking you out." Keith blushed and looked away. Lance turned around and smirked, everyone that knew Lance well knew he was bi. Lance walked over to Keith and smiled. "So since you were checking me out I assume you're into guys." He winked. Keith blushed a bit more, he responded to Lance. "Yeah... I'm gay." Lance grinned. "Awesome!! I'm bi." Keith's blush started to go down a bit. "Cool." Lance nodded.

"Here I'll give you my number, text me when you can." Lance gave Keith his surfer business card. "Ignore the rest of that stuff, it's for my clients." Keith nodded again. "Okay Thanks. I'll talk to you later then." Lance smiled. "Yeah talk to you later." He walked back to Pidge and Hunk and continued to talk to them.

Keith ordered his smoothie, paid for it, and picked it up. He skateboarded home and went to his room. He got his phone and Lance's business card. 'Hey um it's Keith, that guy you met in the smoothie shop. You're lance right? I hope I'm texting the right number.' He sent to Lance's number and then waited for a response.

Klance Surfer/ Skateboarder AUWhere stories live. Discover now