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Keith fell asleep quickly, he clung onto Lance as he slept. Lance chuckled and got his phone out. He took a picture of Keith and posted it on Instagram. He put the caption 'I love him.' He played with Keith's hair and admired him. "God he's adorable." He mumbled to himself. "Explain why you let me be so lucky... and on the first day I visit California as well. I'm so happy here already. I have the most beautiful boy sleeping in my arms. He's honestly amazing, and I know I just met him but I really don't care."

Lance continued to sit there and let Keith sleep, he didn't want to wake him up no matter what. After a couple of hours Keith woke up. "Hey Lance." He sat up and stretched. Lance grinned. "Did you sleep well Keithy?" Keith nodded. "That's the best I've ever slept." Keith climbed off of lance and stretched a bit more. He noticed Lance's phone going off with a bunch of likes and comments on Instagram. "What did you post that's getting so much likes?" Lance smirked. "You." Keith blushed. "W....what me?" Lance opened his phone. "There's no hate comments surprisingly, everyone is writing things like 'you guys look adorable' or 'damn lance you're lucky.'" Lance smiled reassuringly. "I'm glad there's no hate... I don't have Instagram though so.... sorry." Keith shrugged. "It's okay Keith." Lance kissed his forehead. "That's not something you need to apologize for." Keith nodded. "Okay."

Lance grabbed Keith's hand and intertwined their fingers. "Keith I'm just going to say this to you right now. This is only my first day in California and I already love it here. You are the reason I love it here. I feel so lucky to be loved by you and that we can share that feeling with each other. You are now the most special person to me. I will put you above anyone or anything else. You matter to me... so much." Keith almost felt tears come out of his eyes. "Aw Lance...." He was pretty much speechless, no one ever really said that about him before. "No one ever told me I matter to them, so I'm really glad I matter to you and that I could make you happy like this." Lance took his phone out. "Hold on we need selfies." Keith chuckled. "Okay, if you like that than I'll do it." Lance opened his camera and took a couple of selfies of them. He kissed Keith's cheek in a few of them, in the others he just smiled. Keith smiled, he never really smiles for anything so this was rare. Lance posted the selfies on his story and then added them to a new highlight. He called the highlight 'my love ❤️❤️' Keith smiled and watched him as he posted the pictures and made the highlight. "Because you made that I assume you're going to post a lot about me." He chuckled. Lance nodded. "You don't even know how much I want to post about you Keithy." Keith grinned. "That's cute." He placed his chin on Lance's shoulder. Lance smiled at Keith and then started responding to all the comments. Keith just watched him do that. When Lance finished he looked to Keith. "We should go on a walk." Keith smiled, "That sounds fun. I'm down."

Lance got up and pulled Keith up with him. He wrapped an arm around Keith and walked out of the house. Keith looked around, he never really walked. He rode on his skateboard when he was outside, it felt different to walk. He also felt a lot happier being outside this time because he was with Lance.

Klance Surfer/ Skateboarder AUWhere stories live. Discover now