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Keith's feeling of happiness continued through out their whole walk, he never felt this happy. He knew that Lance was perfect for him. After a while of walking Keith spoke up. "Should we head back now? We've been walking for a while." Lance nodded. "Yeah."

Lance turned them around so they can head back to Keith's house. Keith happily followed, he took Lance's arm off of him and started running to his knowhouse. "Race you!" Lance chuckled and ran as fast as he could. "Hm... I think I can beat you Keithy." Keith shook his head and continued to run to his house.

Keith got to his house, winning the race. He ran into his room and plopped onto his bed. Lance ran in a couple of minutes after and pouted playfully. "Not fair!" He now pretended to be said so he can make Keith feel bad. Lance sat next to Keith and cuddled up to him. "I'm sad now." Keith sighed and wrapped his arms around him. "I'm sorry." He frowned. He actually believed that Lance was genuinely upset. "I... I didn't want to hurt you." Lance chuckled. "Keith I'm just faking for sympathy. I didn't know that you would take that to heart." Keith shook his head. "Oh so you were playing with my feelings.... well it definitely works. Now you know my weakness. I don't care for people much but when I do I get emotionally connected to them quickly." Lance kissed Keith's cheek. "Aw that's sweet." Keith chuckled and grinned, he was happy that Lance wasn't actually upset.

Lance went on his phone, this made him not give attention to Keith because he was glued to his phone. Keith noticed this and pouted. He decided to make Lance give him attention. He crawled onto Lance's lap, he wanted to see if that would make Lance focus on him. Lance just wrapped an arm around Keith's waist and continued to be on his phone. Keith sighed and tried to think of another way to get his attention. He, being the low tempered person he is, grabbed Lance's phone and threw it across the room. Lance looked at Keith and raised an eyebrow. "What was that for?" Keith grinned because he was getting attention now. "You were glued to your phone... and I need a lot of attention.... and your phone was getting more attention than me. So I needed to change that."

Lance chuckled. "Aw.... sorry babe. Now I know to give you as much attention as possible. Now I assume that you have not gotten a lot of attention in your life and now you want to make up for it?" Keith nodded. "That's exactly it." Lance pulled Keith into a tight hug. "All of my attention is yours." Keith had a big grin on his face. "I'm glad." He wrapped his arms around Lance's neck and pressed his face into Lance's chest. "Babe you smell good." Lance laughed softly. "I'm glad you think that. Than I guess you'll be happy when you get to wear my jacket, but that'll be later." Keith nodded as best as he could. "I'd love to wear your jacket." Lance stroked Keith's hair. "I figured you would."

Keith dozed off into another sleep. Lance kissed the top of Keith's head and smiled. He laid down and held Keith closely, falling asleep really soon after.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2019 ⏰

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