Chapter 46 - I Got It

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Finley tapped her metal fingers against the bar. One right after another, from left to right starting with her pinky finger. The echo of it sounded across the living room of the Stark tower for only her to hear. There was no one else in the room, no one else to monitor her but FRIDAY. She was always watching, from every corner of every room she had cameras that she was willing to share access to and cameras she was not willing to grant access to. So, if he wanted, Stark could have access to whatever she was doing wherever she was in the tower.

That didn't bother her anymore though, not now.

She needed to think, she needed to think harder. The images that she was seeing were no use to her or anyone else. Nothing was reliable, they did a good job at erasing themselves from her factual memory. The only thing she could remember about them was the idea of their training. It would come back to her though, it had to. Finley walked into those headquarters thousands of times. She could feel that she was there, that they trusted her to walk in on her own two feet.

Now, all she had to do was remember the steps she took.

Once she had that, she knew exactly where she was going to make her move. There was no beating around the bush, the woman didn't like foreplay. When she went for the kill, Finley went for the kill and HYDRA knew that. That meant that with all of the time that she was wasting trying to sort out her memory, they were preparing for the war that was coming their way.

Finley would be sure to bring it to them. Nobody else could.

She was smarter. They knew how the Winter Soldier thought, they knew how she planned and how she was in battle. Finley Reaser though? They had no idea who she was or what she was capable of. She thought things out with more detail, with more planning, with more care. It wasn't just about the kill to her anymore, it was about destroying everything they stood for so they couldn't hurt anyone else like they hurt her again. Finley planned to make them well aware of what they did to her. HYDRA would finally get to know the Finley Reaser they stripped away layer by layer. She was back now, and she was ready for revenge.

"Good to know your sleeping habits haven't changed."

Finley didn't look away, it didn't matter if it was the sound of Bucky's voice or not. Instead, her thousand yard stare remained glued on the granite of the counter top in front of her. "I've walked through the doors of HYDRA on my own free will, but it doesn't matter how many times I see it. It's the same place, the same steps, but I can't see anything but what's right in fucking front of me."

"Watch your language. " Bucky smiled. "Otherwise Captain PG-13 might have to make an appearance. He probably heard that from his room."

He expected her to laugh, but of course- she didn't. "PG-13?" She questioned finally turning her head to the side to show him that she was listening but didn't understand his reference. It was a long process, familiarizing Finley with the world today and how much it had changed since they lost her. There were plenty of foods that she had never tasted, brands she had never heard of, devices she had never seen. Yet- the girl was familiar with almost every language known to man. Some things didn't make sense to Bucky, but he was more than happy to be the one to figure things out for her.

So, chuckling himself, Bucky shook his head and began closing the distance between them. "Nevermind. Come on-" He rested his hand on her metal arm. "I think you should try and-"

"Don't." She warned closing her eyes. The way that she tore her arm away from him made Bucky hold his breath and stare at her with a curious look. "Just don't baby me Buck." Then, she brought her real hand to her chin and covered her mouth in frustration as she talked. "I've been asleep for the last 70 years. I think I've had enough."

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