A Study in Pink (Part 3)

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(Extra long chapter)

We looked over at it and then at each other. "I'm sure it's nothing." I said as he nodded. He looked at his watch as he sighed softly. I walked with him as my hands were behind my back. We got into town and tried calling a taxi but they kept riding by. We stopped and heard another phone ring and looked in a window beside us to see a phone. Someone went to answer it but it stopped ringing so the fella went back to work. "I feel like I'm having deja vu." I said as John nodded while we kept continuing to walk. 

 We started to walk past a phone booth but stopped when the phone started ringing. "This is weird....Let's answer it!" I said as John nodded. I walked in and held the door open for John before shutting it. I picked up the phone and held it between us so he could hear it too. "Hello?" I asked curiously. "There is a security camera on the building to your left. Do you see it?" A man said as we became confused. "Who's this? Who's speaking?" John asked as I held the phone closer to him for the man to hear. 

"Do you see the camera, Dr. Watson, Miss Watson?" The man asked as John and I looked up to see a camera as it moved back and forth on the building. "Yeah, we see it." I said as I became a bit worried and skeptic. "Watch." He said as the camera turned so it's not facing us as we watched it. "There is another camera on the building opposite to you. Do you see it?" He asked again. "Mmm-hmm." John said as we watched it face away from us again. 

"And finally on the top of the building on your right." He said as we watched that one turn away. "How are you doing this?" I asked for John. "Get into the car, Miss Watson. Both of you." The man said as a black car pulled up. "I would make some sort of threat, but I'm sure your situation is quite clear to you." The man said before hanging up while a man got out of the passenger side and opened up the back door. "I don't like this." I whispered softly and hung up the phone before getting out and helping John.

 We got into the car with me being by a lady on her phone. "Hello." I said with a smile as I looked at her. "Hi." She replied with a smile, looking at me before looking back at her phone. "What's your name, then?" John asked and looked at her. "Uh...Anthea." She said, not even glancing from her phone. "Is that your real name?" I asked with a slight smile, knowing it's not. She looked at me and gave a smile. "No." She answered before looking back at her phone. 

"I'm John. And this is Iris." John said at an attempt to start a conversation. "Yes. I know." She said as I giggled softly. "Any point in asking where we are going?" I asked and looked forward, seeing her look to me and smile. "None at all....Iris." She said and looked back at her phone that I was about to throw out the window. I nodded and leaned against John and closed my eyes. For some reason, car rides make me sleepy. 

After a while, John woke me up gently. I yawned a little and looked to see we were in a warehouse. John got out then waited for me. I got out and shut the door then turned to see a man in a nice dress suit and leaning against an umbrella as we started walking towards him. "Have a seat, John." He said and gestured to a chair. "You know, we have a phone. I mean, very clever and all that." I said as John nodded."But uh...you could just phone us. On our phone." He said as we stopped in front of the man.

"When one is avoiding the attention of Sherlock Holmes, one learns to be discreet, hence this place. Your leg must be hurting you. Sit down." The man told John with a big smile. "I don't want to sit down." John said as I crossed my arms. "You guys don't seem very afraid." The man said as he looked down at us. "You don't seem very frightening." I shot back and waited for his turn but he just chuckled. "Yes. The bravery of a sister of a soldier." He said and looked at me. 

"Bravery is by far the kindest word for stupidity, don't you think? What is your connection to Sherlock Holmes?" He asked as he looked at both of us. "We don't have one. We barely know him, we met him...yesterday." John replied as I nodded. "Mmm. And since yesterday you've moved in with him and now you're solving crimes together. Might we expect a happy announcement by the end of the week?" He asked and looked at me for the last part. "Who are you?" I asked with my arms still crossed. 

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