The Great Game (Part 2)

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"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't-" "Jim, hi! Come in! Come in!" Molly said happily as a guy walked in while I gave him a small wave, causing him to wave back. "Jim this is Sherlock Holmes and his friend Iris Watson. And her brother, uh...sorry." Molly appolgized as she does hardly see John. "John Watson. Hi." John said as he gave a nod. "Hi. So you're Sherlock Holmes and Iris Watson. Molly's told me all about you two. You on one of your cases?" He asked as I looked at Molly who smiled as Jim walked to between me and Sherlock. "Jim works in the IT, upstairs. That's how we met. Office romance." Molly said as Jim smiled sweetly at me. I gave a kind smile back, failing to see Sherlock look over. "Gay." He said as we looked at him as Molly looked upset. "Sorry, what?" She asked as I thought for a moment. 

"He means 'hey'." I quickly covered up for Sherlock as he gave a smile. "Hey." Jim said dreamily and knocked over a container before quickly picking it back up. "Sorry. Sorry!" He chuckled nervously as he sat the container back next to us. "Well, I'd better be off. I'll see you at the Fox. About six-ish?" He asked, walking over to Molly. "Yeah." She said happily. "Bye." He said with a dreamy smile again before looking from Sherlock to me as Molly whispered a soft bye. "It was nice to meet you." Jim said as we waited for Sherlock's reply. "You too, Jim." I said with a smile as Sherlock focus was on the microscope. Jim gave a sweet smile and walked out. "What do you mean, gay? We're together." Molly said with a happy smile. "And domestic bliss must suit you, Molly. You've put on three pounds since we last saw you." Sherlock said as I crossed my arms. 

"Two and half." Molly said as me and John watched. "No, three." Sherlock said as I gently back handed his arm and quietly scolded him. "He's not gay! Why do you have to spoil...He's not!" Molly burst out in anger. "With that level of personal grooming?" Sherlock asked as I just watched the scene. "Because he puts a bit of product in his hair? I put product in my hair." John said, seeming to be a bit annoyed too. "You wash your hair, there's a difference. No, no. Tinted eyelashes. Clear signs of taurine cream around the frown lines, those tired, clubber's eyes. Then there's his underwear." Sherlock said as I couldn't disagree about the underwear. "His underwear?" Molly asked with slight confusion. "If was visible above the waistline. Very visible. It's a very particular brand." I said, remembering the bright neon underwear. 

"That, plus the suggestive fact that he just left his number under this dish here. And I'd say you'd better break it off now and save yourself the pain." Sherlock said, holding the number that was under the dish Jim knocked over earlier. Molly looked at him then hurried out as I crossed my arms and looked at the ground. "Charming, well done." John said sarcastically, as I shook my head a little. "Just saving her time. Isn't that kinder?" Sherlock asked as he seemed a little confused as he looked at us. "Kinder? No, no, Sherlock, that wasn't kind." I said softly and looked at him. He gave a slight nod before setting the number down and looked at the shoes. "Go on, then." He told John as he leaned back in his chair as John hummed in question. "You know what I do. Off you go." He said as John chuckled wryly. "" He said, shaking his head a bit.

"Go on." Sherlock said as I moved the other side of him so he could watch John. "I'm not going to stand here so you can humiliate me while I try and-" "An outside eye, a second opinion. It's very useful to me." Sherlock said as we looked at him. "Yeah, right. Then why not have Iris do it?" John asked as I tilted my head. "She already is knowing how to deduct. If you don't figure it out, then I'll give her a go." Sherlock said and gave me a lopsided smile, crossing his arms. "Fine." John said and cleared his throat before picking up a shoe as we watched him inspect it. "Oh, they're just a pair of shoes...trainers." He said as I nodded. "Good." Sherlock said as he grabbed his phone. "Um......They're in good nick. I'd say they were pretty new, except the sole has been well-worn, so the owner must have had them for a while. Uh, very '80s. Probably one of those retro designs." He said as Sherlock was typing something into his phone. 

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