The Great Game (Part 1)

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I was sitting at home with Sherlock, who wore a plain gray tee shirt and gray sweats with his blue robe. I had on black leggings and a plain white tee shirt while my hair was loosely laying on my shoulders. I was sitting on the couch while writing about a story on the adventures me and John have with Sherlock while Sherlock sat in his chair. We hear the door open then close as Sherlock sighed softly then shot at the smiley face he spray painted on the wall. I told him Mrs. Hudson wouldn't be to happy when she walks in and sees what he has done. Some chunks of the wall, fell onto my journal as I looked at Sherlock. He looked at me and gave an innocent smile as I rolled my eyes with a smile and dusted off the pages. "What the hell are you doing?!" John asked as he walked in. 

"Bored." Sherlock muttered simply as I looked at them before going to writing. "What?" John asked. "Bored!" Sherlock shouted as he stood up. "No-" "BORED! BORED!" Sherlock said, shooting the wall two more times. He handed John the gun as he walked over. "Don't know what's got into the criminal classes. Good job I'm not of them." He said he said as John put away the gun. "So you take it out on the wall?" I asked with a small smile and glanced up at him. "Oh, the wall had it coming." He said with a small smile back then fell back on the couch, laying on my lap in the process as I shook my head at his behavior. "What about that Russian case?" John asked, taking off his coat. "Belarus. Open and shut domestic murder. Not worth my time." Sherlock said and folded his hands on his stomach. 

"Oh, shame." John said and walked to the kitchen. "Anything in? I'm starving." He said as I heard the fridge door open. "Oh!" I hear him say and quickly close the door before opening it back up then close it again. "It's a head. A severed head!" John shouted as I set my pencil in my journal then closed it, setting it on the stand next to me. "Just tea for me, thanks." Sherlock said as I began to run my fingers through his dark curls. Ever since our last case with General Shan and almost losing my life, I feel like we've grown closer. "No, there's a head in the fridge." John said as I seen him come out. "Yes?" Sherlock asked as he closed his eyes, seeming to enjoy my fingers gently brushing through his hair. "A bloody head!" John said as he looked annoyed and disgusted.

"Well, where else was I supposed to put it? You don't mind, do you?" Sherlock asked as he looked at John. "Well..." John trailed off as I watched both of them in amusement. "Got it from Bart's morgue. I'm measuring the coagulation of saliva after death. I see you've written up the taxi driver case." Sherlock said and gestured to it lazily. "Uh...yes." John said and sat in Sherlock's chair. "A Study in Pink. Nice." Sherlock said sarcastically. "Well, you know. Pink lady, pink case, pink phone. There was a lot of pink." John said as I could see how he came up with the title as Sherlock grabbed a magazine and looked through it. "Did you like it?" John asked as I looked down at Sherlock. "" He said as I lightly slapped his shoulder. "Be nice." I whisper scolded him. "Why not? I thought you'd be flattered." John said as I laid my arm on Sherlock's chest as my other laid on the arm of the couch. 

"Flattered? 'Sherlock see through everything and everyone in seconds. What's incredible, though, is how spectacularly ignorant he is about some things.'" Sherlock mocked out from John's blog as I did agree that was a bit mean to say that about Sherlock. "Now hang on a minute. I didn't mean that-" "Oh, you meant 'spectacularly ignorant' in a nice way. Look, it doesn't matter to me who's Prime Minister or who's sleeping with who." Sherlock said as I just quietly watched them. "No, no. Whether the Earth goes around the sun." John said as I sighed softly. "Oh, God, that again. It's not important!" Sherlock said, putting the magazine down on his chest. "Not important...It's primary school stuff. How can you not know that?" John asked, leaning his arm on the chair. 

"Well, if I ever did, I've deleted it." Sherlock said as he held his head with both hands. "Deleted it?" John asked with confusion as Sherlock sat up and place the magazine back on the coffee table. "Listen. This is my hard drive, and it only makes sense to put things in there that are useful. Really useful. Ordinary people fill their heads with all kinds of rubbish. That makes it hard to get at the stuff that matters. Do you see?" He asked as I started to write in my journal again. "But it's the solar system!" John said as Sherlock groaned in annoyance. "Oh, hell! What does that matter? So we go around the sun. If we went around the moon or round and round the garden like a teddy bear, it wouldn't make any difference. All that matter to me is the work! Without that, my brain rots!" He said and ruffle his hair.

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