Brynjolf x Pregnant!Reader

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Request from~ MysticalJedi

Brynjolf didn't know yet about the big surprise. I had a feeling he had an idea about me being pregnant,...buuuuut hey, it's Brynjolf.

"Bryn! Look! A rattle!" I held up a rattle. He looked confused.

"Yes,...that's nice, lass?" He continued with his work. Defeated, I went to Rune's room, sighing.

"Hey, friend! What's the matter?" I glared at Rune and muttered in an annoyed voice.

"I'm pregnant." Rune gasped at the news and cheered.

"That's great news! Why is it so bad?" 

"Bryn doesn't know." Rune nodded in understanding.

"Yet." He said. 


Brynjolf the Sleeper was sleeping, and Rune and I grabbed a BUNCH of sticky notes with 'YOU'RE A FATHER' written over them. We stuck the to his face, and all over his room. Now he HAS to realize. We both chuckled and sneaked to behind his desk before he woke up. We watched as he woke up and took off a sticky note from his forehead. He read it and he turned pale. Pale with excitement? Surprise? He suddenly froze, staring ahead with the look of a deer in headlights. His mouth was open a little. Rune and I laughed and showed ourselves. We tried to get his attention, but nothing worked.

"Uh,..I think we broke him." Rune chuckled. 

"He'll snap out of it after this.." I threw a bucket of water at him, making him jump.

"I'm...going to be...a father? Lass,...why didn't you tell me?" 


"Oh.." I hugged Brynjolf, and felt him kiss my cheek.

"Well, lovers, I think I'll make the best uncle ever." Rune said with a smile.

"Honestly you would..." I laughed out. Rune joined the hug.

"Family hug!"

"But lass,...why didn't you just plain out tell me." I glared.

"Do you know how surprised you'd be? You froze when Rune and I did this. I can only imagine what you'd do if I plain out told you." Brynjolf chuckled a little.


322. Super short! Sorry! At least it's kinda funny XD

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