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Monday was almost over and Pam has not found the chance to talk to Melba. She wanted to apologize for the ruckus last Friday; and she owed her boss an explanation as to what happened between her and Ron. Even if Ron may have filled her in on his side of the story, Pam wanted to still talk to her boss; as a woman and as a mother.

Pam had an unsettling weekend. She never meant to hide Anthony from Ron but he was right, she didn't have any concrete plans of when to tell her son about his father. Her ever-supportive family had cushioned Anthony from the brunt of growing up without a father.

Maybe, when he start to realize that Tito Gary can no longer fill in the shoes of his father, who "is away on work"; when perhaps, he would ask why Tito Gary can come home occasionally and his father cannot; when more school activities require father-and-son team-up and he would ask why his aunt's husband, Tito Boyet, would pinch-hit for his absentee father, then she has no reason not to tell Anthony about what happened to her and his father.

Pam dreaded for that time to come; and Ron may be right that his son would grow up hating his father because he was never there for him. The thought pricked her heart as she felt Ron's angst, caused by his regret for the time he lost to be with his son. She felt sorry for him, she felt sorry for Anthony and she felt sorry for herself. If only she was brave enough to stand up for her love, then she and Ron and Anthony may have been happy together. Pam sighed as tears started to form around her eyes.

Her thoughts were cut short by the shrill voice of Melba who has entered the room. She just came from the Mancom meeting. She told them that the President was pleased with the projected second quarter sales overtaking sales of the first quarter. She was mandated to make the annual company outing, which was happening in 4 weeks, worthwhile for the employees as an added incentive for them.

She spoke to everyone, but she was looking directly at Pam. "I am confident that we can deliver as always. Let's make this activity the best company outing ever!"

"Yes, ma'am!" the staff chorused as they got all excited about the event.

Melba went towards Pam. "Are you ok, Pam?" she asked.

"Yes, ma'am. All the arrangements have been made with Dalampasigan, from accommodations, meals and the site for our activities. We have coordinated with the treasurer's office regarding payments for the place, our transportation, prizes for the contests and other expenses that we shall incur." Pam ably made a detailed account of their preparations. "I have here the final draft for your approval, ma'am."

Melba smiled. "Good, that's very good Pam. You can leave that on my table so I can look at it tomorrow morning."

"Ok, ma'am," Pam replied. She felt her boss' hand on her arm, who then whispered, "Let's have dinner together...girl-talk." Melba didn't bother to get her answer as she turned and went towards her room.

Both she and Melba share the passion for Japanese food, so Pam was delighted that they were having dinner at a Japanese restaurant. Immediately after they ordered food, Pam started with her apologies which Melba brushed-off.

"What happened between you and Ronnie is water under the bridge, Pam," Melba started. "There is no reason for you, the both of you, to dwell on the past because you have both moved on, right Pam?"

Pam nodded.

"But you have a shared responsibility with Anthony. Ronnie would like very much to be with his son and he wants to be part of Anthony's life from now on." Melba continued. "Are you open to that, Pam?"

"Of course, ma'am.

Melba noted that Pam seemed uneasy. She smiled at her. "Can we drop the formality now; I told you this is girl-talk. We have done this before, remember? "

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