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The doorbell rang and Anthony's yaya went to open the gate. It was Ron taking the child home after spending the weekend with him. Since their break-up, Ron would pick Anthony up on Saturday morning and take him back on Sunday afternoon.

Pam was in her room thinking about what Seth told her. Seth had been talking with her for some time now after he learned about her break-up with Ron.

"You don't deserve to be unhappy because of him, Pam" Seth said. "Let me take you away from all of your misery. Marry me, Pam and I will take you and Anthony to start again here."

"Seth," Pam started to say but she was overcome with tears unable to speak. She pushed the Ipad away so he won't see her crying shamelessly.

"Do you know how much it hurts me seeing you this way; it's been 4 months since he left you and you cannot move on." Seth continued.

"He didn't leave me; I was the one who pushed him away." Pam countered.

Seth shook his head, "Pam, must you be in his defense up to this time? No matter, you can't forever wait for him, could you?"

"I am not waiting for him anymore," Pam mumbled, tears rolling down her face as she realized Seth was right.

"Please stop crying now. You know how much I care about you. I promise I will make you happy. You don't have to love me now, Pam. I am willing to wait; I have waited for the longest time for you to love me. I just want you to get out of there, away from him where he continually hurts you. Come to me and I will cherish and love you forever."

Seth's words were very comforting, Pam thought.

"You are so kind, Seth. You deserve a good woman," Pam replied.

"You're the only woman I want, Pam" he said as he looked at Pam intently. Pam could see the gentleness in his eyes. Her heart felt the sincerity in his words. 

Ron accompanied Anthony to his room. He looked around for Pam but she was not there as always. Ron was always hopeful that he would see her when he took his son home, but she purposely shied away.

He kissed his son goodbye and started to leave.

"Where's Mom?" Anthony asked his yaya.

"She's talking with your Tito Seth," she replied.

This made Ron stop suddenly and faced his son. He lifted him and hugged him. "I'm going to miss you, Anthony!"

"I'm going to miss you too, Dad. You will come for me next weekend?" the boy asked.

"Of course," Ron smiled. He put Anthony down and he knelt before him. "Does your Tito Seth call your mom often?"

"Yeah, he does," Anthony answered.

"Do you know what they talk about?" Ron asked again.

"Hmmm," the boy answered as he nodded. He didn't want to tell his father about what he knows but his look was probing.

"He wants us to go live in Canada with him."

"What?" Ron was startled. He placed his hands on Anthony's shoulders. "What did your mom say about that?" he asked anxiously.

"She said she will think about it," Anthony replied and Ron's face fell. He squirmed as he felt pain his chest.

He can't take my family away from me, he thought.

Anthony hugged his father, "I won't leave you, Dad. I will tell Mommy we will not go with Tito Seth." He felt relieved with what his son said, but he knew it will be Pam who will ultimately decide for them.

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