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It was already night time at Subic and the three had finished dinner. Anthony was sitting on Ron's lap as they sat on the porch of their rented cottage overlooking the moonlit beach. There were still a few swimmers out but their voices were drowned by the waves breaking into the shore. Anthony enjoyed the shows at Ocean Adventure and was really exhausted after swimming at the beach all afternoon.

"Did you enjoy our trip, son?" Ron asked Anthony.

Anthony, who was already sleepy looked up at his father, "Yes, I did Dad. I hope we can go on a trip again."

"Of course, we will go on another trip soon, perhaps before you go back to school. You and me and Mom," Ron replied as he looked at Pam. He reached out to kiss her which made Anthony giggle. They noticed his reaction and Pam kissed her son too.

"Anthony, Dad and Mom have something to tell you," Ron started.

The boy sat up and looked at his father. Ron took Pam's hand in his. "Your mom and I are in love. We thought we do not love each other anymore but now we realized we still do."

Anthony grinned. "Is that why you two had been kissing and hugging each other all day; and why you were sleeping in Mom's room with us last night?" he asked.

"Yes son," Ron answered. "Don't you want that?"

"Oh yes, I like that, Dad!" Anthony replied excitedly as he hugged his father. He reached out to Pam and kissed her. Ron gathered them both in his arms and held them tightly until Anthony complained that he couldn't breathe anymore. Ron released his hold on them and they all laughed.

"Are you crying, Dad? Anthony asked as he noted tears brimming around Ron's eyes.

Ron embraced his son again, "Tears of joy, anak. I love you. I love you and Mom very much." Pam leaned closer to father and son as Ron squeezed her hand.

Ron stayed with them the whole week. He would take Anthony and his nanny to his summer classes and proceed to the restaurant and the shop. He would check on them if they got back home safe. He had to spend more time at work since his mother was away, but he was always home with Pam and their son for dinner. He would stay with Anthony for a while and later send him to sleep. Then he and Pam would spend time alone. He couldn't be any happier and contented now.

After their pizza dinner on Friday, Anthony slept earlier than usual. Pam prepared coffee for the two of them. They snuggled together in the darkened living room.

"When are they coming back?" she asked alluding to Ron's mother and Karen's return.

"Wednesday," he replied. He knew Pam had something on her mind.

"What is it, my love? Something is bothering you, I know." Ron asked. Pam sighed.

Ron held her closer. "I told you about my plans, right? I'm going to talk to Karen as soon as they have settled back in. In two week's time, I would have taken care of everything and we can plan our wedding and stay together forever."

"I feel sorry for Karen," Pam sighed. "She will get hurt for sure."

"I know and I didn't really want to hurt her; but I couldn't be with you if I don't break off my engagement with her." Ron told her but he was actually anxious of how Karen would take it. "We're going to spend the rest of our lives together and nothing can change that." Karen's words reverberated in his mind.

Ron kissed her tenderly and hugged her. "I love you, Pam. I can't let anything break us apart again. Let's fight for our love this time, love."

Pam broke free from his embrace and looked at him intently; his eyes filled with emotions. She cupped his face and smiled. "Yes, my love, no one can take us apart now," and she kissed him passionately.

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