Chapter Seven

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Joanna watched Lily insert the new chip into her cell phone, "Don't you think you might be overreacting?"  

Lily's fingers paused and she looked up at her mother's face for a moment, and then turned back to the project in her hands.  

Joanna sat down across the table from Lily, glancing out the bow window overlooking the back yard when she heard one of the girl's giggly scream.  

Lily's head lifted at the sound too, she spotted Ambra being chased by her grandpa and turned silently back to putting her phone together.  

Not even a smile, thought Joanna. Aloud she asked, "Is Esme sleeping any better?" 

"No," Lily said, not even looking up.  

Joanna tried again, "He knows where you work." 

"I gave my notice." 

Joanna sat in shocked silence.  

Lily pushed the power button and watched her phone screen power up.  

"Lily. What happened over the weekend?"  

"Mother. None of your business." Lily stood and tucked her phone in her purse. "The girls and I are going to be gone for a couple of weeks. I had vacation saved up and Doris cashed it out for me. I expect she'll close the deal on the shop within the week. She's already been looking at retirement communities." Lily slipped her purse on her arm, then paused, "I've listed my house for sale, also." 


"Without Doris in the neighborhood, it just doesn't have the same appeal." 

"Lily, you're frightening me." 

"Mom, don't worry. We just need some fresh air, a little perspective." 

"You didn't care for the prospect from Jason's place?" 

Lily rolled her eyes, "Quit watching that movie mother, and be thankful you only have three daughters to try and marry off." 

"Sunny said you haven't told her a thing about the weekend either." 

Lily closed her mouth and looked at her mom. 

Those tragic brown eyes nearly broke Joanna's heart, right there at the kitchen table.  

Lily cleared her throat, "You'll be able to reach me at my new number. We'll be back in a couple of weeks. I've arranged for all our things to be moved to a condo I found. We'll be renting until I decide what to do." 

Joanna slapped the table in irritation, "What to DO about what?!" she exclaimed. 

Lily looked on calmly, "What's the next thing I want to do. Whatever is best for the girls." 

Shaking her head, Joanna stood up, "Lily-" 

"It's my decision, my children, and my life." 

"What the hell did he do to you?" 

"This isn't about something he did," Lily held up her hand, "or didn't do. This is about me and the girls and what we need to do." Lily could feel the frustration and anger arcing off her mother like sun flares. "I'm sorry you disagree with what I'm doing. I'll call when we're back in town." 

"At least tell me where you're going!" 

Lily looked up at the ceiling for a moment, "South and east, we're going south and east and I don't how far." 

Joanna watched as her daughter left the kitchen, listened in disbelief as she called the girls and had them give grandpa goodbye hugs, shook her head as her husband waved, yelling "Have a good time!" 

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