Chapter 1

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Hi there! Thank you for checking out my first story. Please vote for more chapters if you enjoy this one! I would appreciate if you did not comment on my grammatical errors, I'm only human. I do apologize for them.

without further a due, i give you...

For the love of Death


Chapter one:

Saphira's Point of View

You are in danger. Serious danger. The fact that you are reading this is a feat itself. The world you live in is nothing but a façade. Before I continue breaking down the false reality you live in, let me introduce myself. My name is Saphira and I am 19 years old. This may sound hard to believe but I am not human. I know you're probably rolling around on the ground and laughing yourself senseless. But it is true. I hope you are smart enough to bear witness to the information I wish to share with you. You may just help save the world...

Many people believe that our destiny lies within our own hands. How wrong they were. My destiny seemed to be set in stone and never in my favor. A few days ago, my mother and I decided to pay a visit to my father's grave. I never had a close relationship with the man; therefore I never grieved his death. Who would cry over someone who always caused them nothing but pain and anguish? You see, my father had a mental illness, bipolar. This illness caused him to fall prey to alcoholism which in turn made our lives a living hell. The bipolar elevated my father's thought processes on a level that we could no longer comprehend. Adding the alcohol into that mix only worsened the situation. Many nights were spent being verbally and sometimes physically abused. My mom often tried to protect me and always handled the worst of it. When my father had a heart attack, I did feel upset, simply because I could not save him myself. I knew my mother still loved him and had hope that he would change for the better. We both believe that his tormented soul is finally resting in peace. The sun was setting as we pulled to a stop at the graveyard. Walking amongst the headstones, I couldn't help but notice the sudden drop in the temperature. The rustling of the trees startled me. 'Why does every grave yard have to be so damn creepy,' I thought to myself. When we reached dad, mom laid down the flowers and suddenly turned towards me. Her light brown eyes looked wary as she took in our surroundings. Perplexed by her behavior, I asked her what was going on. "Believe my honey, if I told you, you wouldn't believe me," She stated. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw what seemed to be a man in a cloak standing as still as a statue. Okay, my creep-o-meter was officially going off. Mom was frozen at the sight of him. She shook her head as if to clear it and shouted, "It's not time yet! You promised to leave her alone until she comes of age!" With that being said, she grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the graveyard. "Mom, slow down, what the heck is going on," I yelled.

"I'll tell you as soon as we get home just please trust me and move!" she all but shouted. I obeyed her command, and ran toward the car. As she pulled out of the grave yard, I turned back to look at the hooded figure but he was already gone.

As soon as we got home, mom bolted the door shut and walked straight into the kitchen, completely ignoring my questioning stare. She poured us each a glass of water and motioned for me to sit down. I waited patiently as she drained the glass and rubbed her temples, looking as though she had aged a few years in the last hour. "Saphira, you have to listen to this story without interrupting me, and leave all your questions for after I'm done. Am I clear?" she stated. I simply nodded my head and waited for her to continue. "I wanted to wait until you were 18 to tell you this, but I guess now will have to do. Do you believe in heaven and hell? Please answer me honestly."

I remained quiet for a few seconds before I replied, "Yes, I believe that it does exist, but what does my belief have to do with this? You're not making any sense mom."

For the love of DeathKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat