Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Previously on For The Love of Death...

I looked up at Lady Nyx, slightly befuddled, "That's brilliant, except I'm not a witch. I won't be able to do any sort of incantations."

"That is where you are wrong. It seems that there is a bit of magical blood in you. I can detect traces of Hecate's blood deep within your own. You must be a far descendant of hers." She said with a smile.

I reveled in this new found discovery for a few moments before looking at Lady Nyx with determination blazing in my ash grey eyes.

"Let's go rescue my sister"


Aira's point of View

The journey to the underworld was hurried because time was of the essence. It was my first entry into the nether realm, but I had no time to gaze at my surroundings. Lord Thanatos' castle loomed in the distance and seemed to take on the appearance of its owner. Ominous grey clouds overshadowed the tallest of towers as thunder rumbled lowly like an enraged beast. It was easy to see that Lord Thanatos was livid because of Saphira's abduction. I only hope that he will aid my quest to search for her. When we approached the main entrance, the magnificent doors opened to reveal none other than the King of Reapers himself.

"What are you doing here mother? Why did you bring that pathetic human" he spat immediately.

Without waiting for a reply, He spun on his heel and walked briskly inside, leading us to a nearby room.

I bristled at his tone and harsh words but before I could reply with a snarky comment of my own, Lady Nyx finally spoke.

"Thanatos, I know that this is hard for you, but you must let Aira join your search for Saphira. It is the only way you will succeed in rescuing her." Lady Nyx regarded Thanatos carefully as he replied.

"I do not need some low life human to help me. I am perfectly capable of finding her myself. Although I sometimes think I should just let her die so she will be out of my way. That girl has been nothing but a fucking curse ever since I saved her all those damned years ago." Thanatos ranted, his chest rising and falling rapidly.

I gaped in shock at his cruel words, "A fucking curse? Is that what you think your SOUL MATE is? That girl has the most beautiful aura you will ever see in your existence. You are lucky to have such a wonderful soul mate yet you say she is a curse. Why do you even bother looking for her? Why not let Nicolas claim her for himself?"

As soon as the words left my lips, a feral growl rang throughout the mansion. The servants squealed in fear as the windows reverberated from its sheer power. I smirked at his reaction.

"You love her don't you" I said simply.

"Love is an emotion for the weak. Because of this accursed bond I am fighting for something I no longer believe in. I am acting simply because I have to. Do not mistake my anger for love because it will only lead to disappointment." He looked towards his mother, who was daintily sipping tea.

She glanced at us, and put down her cup. The warmth in her eyes vanished in an instant and her silvery orbs were as cool as steel. "While the both of you bicker unnecessary, my daughter is at the mercy of a sinister being. Both of you need to work together. I cannot interfere in matters such as this but heed my advice. If you do not save Saphira before her 18Th birthday, it will lead to Armageddon" with that said, Lady Nyx stood up elegantly and was about to leave the room.

"Your daughter? She is no Daughter of yours Mother. Do not fool yourself into thinking otherwise. Your own flesh and blood is more in need of your assistance. Nicolas plans on exterminating me, yet you are worried about your supposed daughter." He whined like a spoilt brat.

"Thanatos, you disappoint me. You fear over your own well-being before that of your mate? She does not know the extent of her abilities and if she loses herself to the darkness then you are dead anyway. There will be nothing left to stop Nicolas because you will be dealt with." She walked closer to him and cupped his cheek warmly, "You have to let go of the demons you harbor within you in order to move forward in your existence."

Thanatos ripped his mother's hand away from his face and snarled, "I refuse to be controlled by a non-existent emotion. I will no longer search for Saphira. If Nicolas tries to attack me then it will be his funeral"

I turned to Lord Thanatos and sighed. It was obvious that this great brute was conflicted by his emotions and the mate bond he was feeling. He cannot tell the difference between his own feelings and the feelings that were enhanced by the bond. Angela said that they used to play together when Saphira was a child. That meant that there was some emotion involved. The mate bond can only be recognized when you come of age. He needs to believe in his own emotions.

"Lord Thanatos, please, hear me out atlea-..."

"ENOUGH. Exit the castle grounds immediately. I no longer wish to hear any more of your fucking bullshit." He turned around and left the room without another word.

My shoulders sank in disenchantment. I thought their bond might be stronger but I was wrong. Nicolas might be interfering with it as well. Lady Nyx frowned at her son's retreating figure before turning to me, "Do you know where Saphira is being held, Aira?"

"No I don't. But if this book has a locator spell then I might be able to figure it out." I said quickly.

"Good. I will get you reinforcements within the hour. Take them to the place she is being held. It is up to you now Aira. In the meantime, I will speak to Lord Hades. He needs to be informed about Nicolas' treachery." She said with a sigh.


Author's Note

Sorry for not updating sooner. This is just a small filler chapter until another little twist in the story. Hope you enjoyed it!

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