Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Previously on For the Love of Death…

Aira turned to me and said, “That was Evianna, she said she won’t be able to come to the store for a few days so we have to keep ourselves locked in at all times. She’s got a lead and is going to do some research. Now in the meantime, you and I will train. If my calculations are correct, your body strength and speed should increase dramatically by tomorrow night, so we better get a move on.”


Saphira’s point of View

Sweat dripped down the side of my face, as my breathing became labored. I scrutinized Aira’s every move, from the rise and fall of her chest (as pervy as that sounds) to the twitch in her left eye.

“Rule number one, never let your guard down,” floated through my mind, keeping me focused on my target.

“Rule number two, always keep a defensive stance” I shifted my weight until I was comfortable.

Aira and I had been training for three hours straight. We were working on basic defensive moves and endurance simultaneously. My body screamed for relief from the harsh training it had been subjected to so suddenly. Aira lowered her guard, and smiled at me.

“I think that should be enough for now Saph. I’m quite surprised; you weren’t that out of shape.” Aira panted.

“Well,” I said, just as out of breath as she was, “I do work out A, and I did have like 5 defense classes about 4 years ago, but I dropped it because I was too young to handle the intensity of it.”

“That makes sense, you’re a bit rusty but you found your own stance quite quickly.” Aira said.

We heard some shuffling from the bedroom and I realized that it must be my mother. I glanced at Aira before dashing to her. When I entered the room, my Mother was sitting upright and looking around her, confusion crossing her features. My eyes filled with tears of relief, “Mom, you’re okay” I said, making my way towards her. I wrapped her in a tight hug which she instantly returned.

“Saphira! What are you doing here? Better yet what am I doing here?” She asked in a muffled voice.

“Mom, you were under Death’s influence. Aira brought you here to help get rid of it. We’re in a book store owned by a sweet lady named Evianna. She is a witch and she enchanted this place to bide us some time against Death. He’s after me mommy” I said, my voice breaking at the end.

“Oh sweetheart I’m so sorry. I’m so selfish, this is entirely my fault.” Mom sobbed, clutching me tightly to her shaking frame.

“Mom, this couldn’t be avoided, it is my fate and I have reluctantly accepted it. I-I think I am Death’s soul mate” I said slowly, unsure of how she would take this new piece of information.

“I know sweetheart, that is the reason behind him saving you although he didn’t know it at that time. One afternoon about a year after our incident with Death, the Goddess Nyx visited me. She said that she had been watching over you, and that she had influenced her son to save you. She also told me not to be alarmed if you start developing your powers early as it was a natural process. You are very special baby, and I am so proud at how strong you have been.” She said, her eyes shining with warmth.

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