Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Previously on For the Love of Death...

"I trusted you" I said, my voice wavering ever so slightly.

"Which is what makes this plan all the more sweet" he said.

Glaring at me with nothing but animosity in his crystal blue eyes was none other than...

Hayden Knight.


Saphira's point of view

I glared at the figure on front of me with nothing but hate. I had been played yet again. Hayden stood there with a sadistic smile marring his boyish face. I saw no trace of the person I once thought I loved. The treachery I felt ran deep within me and merely fueled my need to protect the ones I loved. He continued smirking at me as if he had already won this battle. I glanced at Aira and saw her jaw twitching in anger. I knew she felt just as betrayed as I did.

"So Saphira are you Deaths' soul mate? Tell me the truth now and no one gets hurt. There is no point in lying because I will be able to pick up any sudden increase in your heart beat." He said callously.

"What makes you think that I am his Soul mate? He saved my life and is now demanding for his repayment. I am simply fighting for my freedom." I state, trying to keep a poker face. I inhaled deeply, my heart beat steady.

" Honestly Saphira who are you trying to kid. You told me yourself that someone was trying to kill me. At my party I sent out a decoy of myself to dance with you as I had sensed Death's redolence drawing closer. His reaction was what put my plan into motion. The possessive behavior he displayed set of the alarm bells in my head. At first, I thought that it was because of your Aura that he did not want any harm to come your way but I could practically smell the jealousy that permeated the air at the party. And then it hit me: To destroy Death, you would have to be sacrificed. How tragic. No one ever recovers from the death of their soul mate. Just imagine how painful it will be for Death himself to deliver his soul mate to the depths of the underworld." He said, laughing maniacally in the process.

"He will be so distraught with rage and grief that the world will be thrown into chaos. The gods will have no choice but to throw him into the desolate pits of Tartarus." He said gleefully.

My eyes widened a fraction at Hayden's words. The prophecy rang through my head and I felt beads of sweat form on my eyebrow. Not many people know about its contents and until I have proof, Hayden knows nothing of it either. If he finds out about the prophecy then it may only fuel his determination.

"Hayden, if that is even your name, what makes you think we'd go quietly?" I said lowly.

"My my where did all this spunk come from? You were always such a passive girl, and you always will be. You don't know how to defend yourself so yes, I do think you will come quietly." He said, confidence dripping from his tone.

"Why are you doing this? What motive do you have for wanting to destroy Death so badly? You obviously pretended to like me and befriended me to gain information about Death, so at least give me an explanation." I pleaded. I tried to stall Hayden and his minions to buy Evi some time. I had to find a way to get a message to Death. We may have increased strength and speed but their numbers were overwhelming us by the second. Backup was sorely needed as soon as possible.

"Saph," he gently said, "Death has always taken everything away from me. He stole my father's praise and admiration and had the gore to call me brother. I envied his power and the attention he seemed to command wherever we went. I left a few years ago. I blended into the human realm and before I knew it, I had the attention of the teachers and girls at school. You had captured my heart and I could not let you get away. You are destined to be my soul mate not that vile loathsome creature. So I devised a plan to get rid of him once and for all." He finished.

"That doesn't make sense, Saph and I knew Hayden when we were younger as well. How old were you when you came to the human realm?" Aira spoke for the first time.

"I had requested to be transformed into a child and had my memory locked away until I turned 16. All the emotions and memories I acquired before my "birth" were combined with the new ones I had developed." Hayden said.

I looked at Hayden with nothing but shock on my face. He ran away from his old life because he wasn't popular? Perplexed I cocked my head to one side and studied the boy who stood in front of me. I could not believe he planned to come to the human realm to escape his problems. Coward.

"Who are you really Hayden?" my mother asked timidly.

"I am Lord Nicolas, Son of Hades and the rightful heir to the underworld throne." He announced, his voice flourishing with pride.

A gasp of shock left my dry lips as I registered who was standing before me. A very powerful God just decreased our chances of escaping even more. I contemplated another way to stall him before the attack began but I was fresh out of ideas. I could only pray that we hold our own against this figure of vice, at least until reinforcements arrive. I made eye contact with Aira and gave her the signal to go ahead and attack. Her silver eyes darkened with hatred before she threw multiple daggers at nearby daemons. I followed A's lead and began to take out daemons, enjoying the look of shock on Hayden's face. Mom even managed to knock out a few with a fuzzy pink lamp she grabbed from the bedside table. Hayden's face contorted with anger and he rushed toward me, his movements quick and precise. He lashed out with a fierce kick. My speed may have increased drastically but I was no match against a fully-fledged God. I was barely able to block his first attack before his fist connected with my stomach. I grunted in pain, as adrenalin finally kicked in. I landed a few punches to his side. He swung his fist towards my face and I managed to duck just in time. We continued to block and attack like this for a few minutes before I saw an opening I could not miss. I grabbed Nicolas' fist and drove my knee into his groin, feeling satisfied when I saw him wince and double over in pain. My satisfaction was short-lived as he swiftly regained momentum and landed 3 kicks in my knee, chest and face. The wind was knocked straight out of my lungs and I could see patches of darkness blurring my sight. I willed my body to stay awake but my injuries were catching up to me quickly.

"Saph! Please keep fighting, help is on the way" Aira yelled as she fought of the daemons that surrounded her.

I looked at her before glancing at my mom, who was barely holding her own. Both my mom and Aira had sustained a few dangerous looking wounds and I knew help would not arrive on time. I turned towards Nicolas, with abhorrence burning deep in my eyes, and said, "If I come with you, will you spare their lives?"

He smirked evilly, "Why of course."

"NOO" mom and Aira screamed simultaneously.

"I love you both very much" I said, smiling weakly at them. Nicolas grabbed my arm and tied my hands together, pushing me toward one of the daemons.

I glared at him, "Nicolas, you had best keep your word about not hurting them or I swear there will be hell to pay. Death will come after you." I said venomously.

He pulled me against his broad chest and pushed a lock of hair behind my ear. I shivered as my body burned at his touch. "Saphira, darling, what makes you think Death even has any emotion towards you. The only reason he will save you is to save his sorry ass. But don't worry baby, I'll find a way for us to break this accursed bond and then we can be together" he stated with the mentality of a 5 year old.

His words brought out my own insecurities and I couldn't help but wonder if Death had any emotion towards me at all. I pushed away my wayward thoughts and erased any sign of emotion from my face. I had to be emotionally strong if I am to survive this. Even if Death does not come to my aid, it shall not matter to me. I am a woman of the 21st century not a medieval damsel in distress. 'I will free myself, from Nicolas and Death even if my heart doesn't agree with the last one,' I thought, as Nicolas dragged me out of the house.

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