Chapter 9: Gone (Alternate Ending)

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                Adrien's POV (chapter 7/8 didn't happen) (italics= Adrien's thoughts)

       Gone. I squeezed her hand. She's gone. The doctors ran into the room. She can't be gone. Tears rolled down my face. Paris needs her. They started chest compressions. Our friends need her. Alya and Nino were crying, but I could only see her. Her family needs her. It was just us. I need her.

       "No... No no no. Marinette... no. Please, Mari, please. You can't leave me. I-I need you. Please... don't go." I said between sobs. "Don't go..."

               Alya's POV (italics= Alya's thoughts)

       No. No, she can't be. A steady stream of tears rolled down my face. It's not true. I couldn't tell if I was screaming or not. She can't be... gone. The doctors came in and started chest compressions. It wasn't working. Adrien was talking whilst crying. I couldn't stop crying. Nino was holding me back from running to her, or maybe he just needed something to hold. Why? WHY?! I dropped to my knees, bringing Nino with me, and cried into my hands.

One of the doctors walked over to us. "Come on, you need to leave the room." He picked us up and helped us out of the room.

"W-will... will she b-be ok?"

       "I... I'm sorry to say, I don't think she will be." I went quite. I couldn't find my voice. Silent tears rolled my face.


               ~~1 week later~~ (Adrien's POV)

It's been a week sense she... The funeral is today. Her miraculous was given to Alya after Master Fu decided it would be for the best. Everyone was incredibly sad when they heard the news. Most of them cried, even Chloé. The accident was put on the news sense she was Ladybug. No one saw that coming. The shy and clumsy Marinette being Ladybug. But it wouldn't be right any other way. No one could ever replace her. As Ladybug, as Marinette, as the only one I could say I ever loved, no one could even come close.


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