Devil Dinosaur

240 3 0

Real Name

Big Puppy
Red Rover

Approximately over 20

Devil Beast

Adult Devil - Mother 💀
Two Little Devils - Siblings 💀
Moon-Boy - Adoptive Brother 💀
Hatchling - Sons & Daughters


20 ft

When Devil was young, her mother and two sibling were killed by the Killer-Folk as she was next until a hominid boy know as Moon Boy save her and raised her as his sister. The two lived together with rest the Small Folk, though Devil behave more that of a dog than a dinosaur. Sauron and Stegron try to claimed the Devil Beast by killing Moon Boy, Devil retreated but quickly save by the young Ka-Zar and his sabertooth cat brother Zabu, friends of Moon Boy, Years later, the two saurians found her and finally took control of her. When the Warbound ship crash land in the Savage Lands, she and her masters found the Warbound, the Next Avengers, and the Sisters. Ka-Zar and Zabu arrived but Skaar already defeated the two saurians, making Devil Dinosaur loyal to him and accompanying him.

Powers and Abilities 
Devil Dinosaur possesses the same abilities of a Tyrannosaurus with the intelligence of a dog, she also have an immunity to fire and heat.


● Devil Dinosaur is based on the character from Hulk and The Agent of S.M.A.S.H.
      ○ She like bury anyone who is new to the Next Avengers are mostly buried, a reference to Devil burying Red Hulk.
      ○ Her being control by Sauron and Stegron is a reference to the episode Savage Land.

● I decided to make this Devil Dinosaur a girl due to female Theropods like T.rex are powerful and bigger than males.
      ○ She is a reference to Rexy from the Jurassic Park series.

● Like Skaar is a little based on Russell, she is based on Kevin.
      ○ Both are surprisingly female, try to be captured by the bad guys, and have youngs.

● She is considered the strongest member of the Next Avengers.

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