
151 2 0

Real Name
Karl Lykos

Dr. Lykos


Human Mutate (Pteranodon)

Mr. Lykos - Father 💀
Dr. Anderssen - Adoptive Father 💀
Tanya Anderssen - Adoptive Sister/Wife
Unnamed kids - childrens


5 ft 9 in (Lykos)
7 ft (Sauron)

Young Karl was with his father on an expedition with Dr. Anderssen and his daughter Tanya to Tierra del Fuego, near the Antarctic Circle. When Tanya got lost, he found her in a cave full of Pteranodons as he try tondefend her but was bitten by them. Dr. Anderssen save him and for saving Tanya, he let him live with him when his father died. He later gain the ability to drain life energy. He went to medical school in hope to get money to be with Tanya with Dr. Anderssen approval, he also met Charles Xavier. As a doctor, he help his patients along with draining small portion of life energy but when one of his was a mutant, he transform into a humanoid pterosaur calling himself Sauron after a villain from a book and become an enemy of the X-Men, he then take the Savage Lands as his base along with fellow dinosaur Stegron.

Powers and Abilities
He possesses the some powers of a Pteranodon.
He have flight thank to the wings, beak, and talons but his more useful powers is absorbing life force energy and powers of mutants which help him remain as Sauron, hypnosis which he mostly used on reptiles, have energy blast, a sonic scream, and a fire breath.

● Sauron is based on the Hulk and The Agent of S.M.A.S.H while Karl Lykos is based on the X-Men The Animated Series.
○ Both of them control Devil Dinosaur is also a reference to the episode Savage Land
○ When they made an alliance with Ultron, they want to control Fin Fang Foom who is the only reptile that can't be controlled, a reference to Mission Impossible Man

● Him and Stegron working together is a reference to their team up in the comic Spider-Man and The X-Men.

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