The truth

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After cheer practice I go into the locker room. I hear the girls running and shutting the door. I knew he was here Dave Karofsky. I stood there in fear I couldn't be hurt because Sue would kick me off the team.
"Hey babe how was practice?" I ask hoping he's in a good mood.
"terrible that dumb Finn Hudson doesn't know how to play." I slammed his fist on the lockers
"Did you try to tell him what he's doing wrong?" I said I always try to act like I care and give good answers so he doesn't hurt me.
"You don't think I tried?" He said as he got closer to me. "You think I'm dumb?"
"No Dave not at all I-." He punched me in the face then as I fell kept kicking me.
"Quit being dumb Ally." I held my face trying not to cry.
"I'm sorry Dave." I said getting off the ground.
"Whatever." He said walking out
I cried for so long I didn't even know what time it was. I heard the door open and tried to hide I couldn't get hurt anymore.
"Oh my god Ally?" I look up and see nothing other than the Noah Puckerman. "It's nothing I just fell out of a stunt today" I said getting up with out making it obvious my leg was in a lot of pain. "You don't have to pretend Karofsky doesn't hit you" He said taking my hand and helping me up. "He doesn't he's very sweet" I said trying my best to lie which is hard because Noah is the best liar in the world. "Who do you live with?" Noah asked. "Well... Dave" I said looking up into his eyes. "Why don't u crash with me tonight" he said holding my face looking at the cut and bruise. "Noah I don't have any of my clothes or makeup-." He grabbed my face and held it in his hand. "I have money from pool cleaning let's go shopping." I laughed "Noah puckerman wants to take me Ally Johnson shopping?" I took my hand and held it. "Why the hell not" he smiled and we walked out to his car.

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