Back on Track

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we got in Noah's car and he told me I could tell him everything Karofsky has done. I couldn't get the words out of me. I was so embarrassed I just started crying and trying to tell him but me crying and trying to explain didn't work. We parked in the Freddy's parking lot and he just held me. I don't know why everyone thinks Noah is so bad. I've been with him for 1 1/2 and he's been the sweetest person I have ever met. After I couldn't cry anymore. I looked up at him. "I know he's done terrible stuff to you. I've tried to tell Figgins,but he said there is no proof so he can't do shit." I smiled "you tried to help me... why?" I said, because I was shocked no one has cared for me in a while. "Karofsky is a sack of shit and I hate seeing him get away with hurting such a kind,beautiful girl like you." I smiled " I know it's gonna be hard but tomorrow you have to go to Figgins. I'll even go with you, you can't keep living like this Al" I nodded and laid down and fell asleep. Next thing I knew I was in Noah's bed and he was on the floor. I whispered "why are you on the floor?" He sat up and said "I know you went through a lot and didn't wanna scare you." "Noah come here" he got up only in he shorts. "it's different with you." He sat down and looked at me "why is that?" I laid down and he did too. "With you I feel safe." I smiled, but then remembered I was in my Cheerios uniform. " I have clothes on my dresser for you until we go shopping. Noah lays down and closes his eyes. I change lay next to him. "thank you." I whisper. He smiles and we fall asleep

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