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I wake up and see Noah changing. "Omg I'm sorry Noah" I turn around and he laughs "it's totally fine I'm dressed now anyways." I look at my phone and it says 6:40. "Noah I didn't wash my Cheerios uniform. What do I do sues gonna be so mad I-." He touches my shoulder and looks at me. "When he talk to Figgins and her today she will understand." I smiled but then look in the mirror and see the huge bruise on my face. "Noah I can't go to school like this." I start pacing. "hey hey hey it's fine we can wait till classes start and no one is in the hallways." I calm down and lay back down and fall asleep. Noah whispers in my ear "hey it's 7:30 classes started" I open my eyes and borrow Noah's sweatshirt and leggings I had in my cheer back. We get in the car and he looks at me. "You should join glee club I know it sounds lame but-." I cut him off "yes it sounds like fun!" We both smile and turn the radio up. We pull in the school parking lot and there is Sue. Standing outside staring at me. I walk out and look at her I run to her and cry as she hugs me. I know Sue can be a bitch,but she's the mom I never had. Noah locks his car and tells Sue as I sit there crying. We all walk into Figgins office. We explain everything. "When you call him down they are gonna leave ok?" Sue stated. Figgins shook his head and Noah wrapped his arm around me and we walked out. By now it's lunch so we and Noah talked to Sue about me missing cheer today. She said it was ok which surprised me. Then me and Noah walked into Mr.Schuester's office and talked to him about me joking glee. He gave me the brightest smile. "I'm glad you will be joining us" me and Noah walked out. We walked down the hallway. " I dont fell like going to classes today." I said "Is the Miss Ally Johnson asking me to ditch class?" I smiled "You don't have to ask me twice" Noah smiled and grabbed my hand and we ran down the hallway to the football field.

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