It just feels right

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We started driving and I saw that we missed the turn to Noah's. "Where are we going?" He looked at me and smirked. "You need your clothes and makeup and whatever so we're going to the mall." I start to cry I know I sound like a little bitch. Noah looks at me and asked what's wrong. "Noah it's just been so long since someone has cared about me. I don't know why  you do I just love feeling like this." He smiled and said "feelings happy?" I stoped crying and laughed. I know i haven't known Noah long, but I'm starting to like him. 

Ally's smile even when she cries is so pretty. I think I'm starting to like her. Or I always have I don't know why I'm acting this way. It just feels right with her. Yeah I have slept with a lot of girls and knocked up one. I don't feel like doing that with Ally. I just like hanging out with her.

As we pulled up to the mall I told him I'll be quick so we don't have to be here long. "Hey it doesn't matter how long it takes." I smile "Noah?" I said looking down "Yes Ally?"
"Uh never mind" I said as started walking. He shrugged. We walking into Victoria's Secret and Noah just kept flinging underwear at me and kept asking what Her secret was. Then we went to Aeropostale,H&M, and Ulta. Noah spent so much money on me and I feel so bad. "Noah how much did I spend because I'lol pay you back-." "I don't know he crumbled the receipt and threw it away." He winked at me and we got in the car. "Noah you earned that money and I wanna pay you back." "Ally I worked for the money I'll spend it the way I want and if I wanna spend it on you I will." " your so annoying." I said as I threw my napkin I had from Aunties Anne's. When we got home Noah cleaned his room and drawers so I could put my clothes somewhere. "Noah I wanna tell you something." "Me first." Noah said. "Ally I really really like hanging out with you. I know people think I'm just the guy who sleeps with girls. I don't feel like that about you. I like making you smile and laugh and making you happy. I like making you know your worth something even if Dave made you feel like you weren't. Ally I really really like you, I'm starting to think I told you to soon and-." I grabbed his face and pulled it to mine. He took his hand and grabbed my face. Our kiss turned into the most deep make-out I have ever had.

Wow she is a really good kisser. People make out with other people for the experience. This was because I really liked her. At least I know she feels the same way. I pulled away and she just smiled. Pulled my face back to hers and I kissed her neck and she couldn't stop doing that cute laugh of hers. I smiled and sat up "now I know you feel the same way." She smiled "you didn't give me a reason not to. "

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2019 ⏰

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