♡Chapter 19

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*Emma's P.O.V.*

I rolled my eyes and looked at the ceiling as Carla popped her head into the room. She have us a smile and looked at can who was peacefully sleeping next to me.

We'd only gotten home an hour ago and that was the scariest, things I've experienced this week by far and I'm pretty scary person. Even Cam was startled and she never gets scared, her primary emotion is usually anger but today was proving to be kind of crazy.

I have a girlfriend.

Cameron isn't fighting in a dirty bar anymore.

She's friends with Gia, well Jerry, but close enough right, same family tree.

"Dinner is ready, your parents want the two of you down," Carla smiled and close the door behind her. She's so nice, a really great person.

Once she left, I shook Cam a bit, but she didn't budge. I smiled when she mumbled something incoherently. I leaned down and pushed her dark hair out of her face. Before Gia, I always thought Cam to be the prettiest girl in my life. Not that Gia is better looking, but it's just better to think that of her.

What I mean is, Cam's my sister not my suitor and people already think we're dating or twins, so to even say that I find her absolutely breath taking is teetering a dangerous line. A line I don't ever want to cross, not for our sake because we know where we stand with one another, but for the sake of society and protecting ourselves from their backhand.

I pushed a few more strands of chocolate hair out of her face and looked a bit closer at her cut and bruised lip.

She usually doesn't take punches to the face, how did that little girl land one on her?

I touched it w bit and she jumped in her sleep, even when her body was startled by pain she still looked so peaceful sleeping. I liked Cam way better, after a fight. Shes way calmer more collected more of a rational human being that I want to be around.

Mariah makes her different.  Mariah makes her distant, and mean, it's like she builds her up only to leash it and then makes her let it all go in the ring. If I trusted Mariah I wouldn't go to french dive bars with creepy guys and cheap liquor to watch my sister fight for tips.

I hate it. Suddenly the com in the room beeped and Momma spoke through the machine. 
"We're waiting, don't take all night we actually want to eat while it's hot."

I hopped out of the bed and pressed the com, "Okay, Cammy fell asleep."

"Cammy?" I jumped and looked at Cameron as she pushed her hair back out of her face. Her eyes were still closed but she was sitting up and when she opened her eyes those chocolate orbs gazed at me in a way I couldn't understand.

"Dinner is ready, let's go." I stole her hand and yanked her out of bed and down the stairs. 

The house was warm and quiet and it made me slow down at the last step. We slowed down as we walked into the dining room. I sat at the table across from BuBy and Momma, and Dad and Mom sat at each end of the table. And the bench was always where me and Cam sat.

I took my seat sliding onto the soft leather and finally everyone started to eat. Cam slid in to my right and suddenly Carla sat down a plate in front of me and plate in front of Cam who looked confused.

I looked at Dad then BuBy and then I looked at Mom and Carla as she walked away.

What is this?

"What is this?" Cam spoke my mind as she poked the fork. My face fell in a frown. BuBy huffed and dropped is fork.

"It's Spaghetti, Cameron-" He started but Cam cut him off.

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